Could Chewing Gum End COVID? – IOTW Report

Could Chewing Gum End COVID?

A chewing gum that can retain COVID-19 in saliva, according to scientists, can lessen symptoms and the likelihood of spreading the virus.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is trapped inside saliva by a plant-grown protein found in the gum, which limits transmission not just from person to person but also from cell to cell in patients.

Normally, COVID uses that protein to enter the cells after infecting a human. However, by simulating it, researchers at the Penn School of Dental Medicine were able to keep the virus confined to the mouth of a gum-chewer.

A team lead by Dr. Henry Daniell of the Penn School of Dental Medicine created the therapy with assistance from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine and Penn School of Veterinary Medicine.

The first clinical trial is about to begin, and researchers are hoping that the gum will offer a cheap and simple way to combat COVID-19.

Read More About It HERE

14 Comments on Could Chewing Gum End COVID?

  1. But most people can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.
    So, sitting immobile chewing gum, there’s a much greater chance of the virus sneaking up and infecting.
    And if walking, the virus runs rampant, because the walker is unable to chew.\

    Seems like a conundrum.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Don’t believe any of that stupid shyyyt especially since it’s phake pharma’s way of promoting sugar for the food entities. Add the ugly fact Mayor and UNCLE Eric Adams’, who’s an overnight bff of the Joe Biden character, that UNCLE ERIC has been pushing and promoting his bogus ‘clean tap water’, a tap water known for its high degree of filth, excrement, 6 chemical-causing agents, and high bacteria counts. He deliberately had added to the tap water covid19 ‘medications/vaxx’ since more than half of red wave-turning NYC residents have refused to submit to the toxic phake pharma vaxx profiteered by Joe Biden, Fauci, and collaborators.

  3. Gum chewing is disgusting and have you ever looked at the ingredients in most gum?
    If an 80 year old Fauci and a 79 year old Biden who can barely complete a sentence, both claiming to be quadruple boosted and mask wears can get Covid (twice for Fauci) and recover without a big production I think it is safe to say this ‘pandemic’ is over.

  4. “…w ill offer a cheap and simple way to combat COVID-19”

    Well that’s dead on arrival. How will Fauchi, Nancy, and congressional dems profit if the cure is “cheap and simple”?

  5. Yes, and the woman who put Gorilla Glue on her hair thought it would do her good. Only way to cure is to get covid, become immune, you’re good to go. No walking or chewing gum. However, I say that walking no matter the situation, it’s good for you. I haven’t had covid or been sick since 12/2019 and walked while sick. It worked!


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