Mexicans Pissed Off About A Flood Of American Immigrants – IOTW Report

Mexicans Pissed Off About A Flood Of American Immigrants

No, that headline isn’t backwards. Americans are moving to Mexico because it’s supper cheap and the locals are pissed off. The Mexicans complain that these American invaders won’t learn the language or assimilate to the culture. Gee, where have I heard that before?

Face it, America is too expensive for most people thanks to Joe Biden’s destruction of the the country. Food and gas are through the roof and housing is unaffordable to everyone except the “5 richest kings of Europe.” (Simpson quote) Also thanks to Biden and COVID, many Americans now work remotely. It only makes sense to move to Mexico where everything is cheap, including human life.

The LA Times however reports that the locals aren’t happy by the influx of Americans: more

14 Comments on Mexicans Pissed Off About A Flood Of American Immigrants

  1. The article suits my attitude on the wetback invasion. Starts off polite, ends up talking unvarnished truth which is in desperately short supply in the current commiecrat bullshit narrative driven time.

  2. Everything about this story makes no sense. If Americans are retiring down there, they are bringing their considerable amount of wealth with them, which will only strengthen the Mexican economy. And who in their right mind would want to live in Mexico City? With the air quality, the crime, the corruption, the squalor, and poverty, I’d rather live in Detroit or Chicago.

    There are much better choices in the world for disaffected yanks to retire to.

  3. Back in the early 70s, I would drive down to Nogales AZ, park my truck and cross over into Mexico. Hop a train south and take it in. Usually I’d pick a nice looking town, stay a few days, look for other transit to get further south and I gotta say, for the most part the people were wonderful, very little crime and fookin’ delicious food.

    I usually went alone but took some buds on occasion. The last couple times I was hassled by local police and once by the Federales, had to bribe my way past and I kinda lost interest in going.

    I know of a couple couples that have been living there for quite a while and they love it. OTOH I know a couple Mexicans that tell me the cartels were making their lives a nightmare and there’s not a fucking thing you can do if you come up on their radar.

    The cartels once considered the tourista spots off limits but no more, they have machine gun fights on the beaches and in the town.

    Now Panama…

  4. Imma gonna move to Meh-hee-ho for the breakfast tacos. They’re all unique, dontcha know? You can have ‘em every day and not eat the same one twice!

    Maybe Jilly will visit.

  5. are they also applying for mexican welfare, food stamps, free education, school meal programs, health care, etc., etc. that the mexican taxpayer will be footing the bill for?

    fajita meat’s not cheap been more expensive than sirloin lately


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