In Bucks County Pennsylvania, the school board is getting pushback from adults upset that children won’t have access to pornography. You read that right.
“No materials in elementary libraries shall contain visual or visually implied depictions of sexual acts or simulations of such acts, explicit or implied written descriptions of sexual acts, or visual depictions of nudity or implied nudity.” Special dispensations will be permitted for anatomy studies and classical works of art.
This rule will apply to middle schools, as well.
High school libraries will not shelve books that depict “visual or visually implied depictions of sexual acts or simulations of such acts, or explicit written descriptions of sexual acts.”
Just who is against such rules?
You tell me.
The left-wing rag, the Daily Beast reports –
Rachel Fitzpatrick, leader of PFLAG Bucks County, an advocacy group for LGBTQ+ community members, immediately called the board out for targeting books with LGBTQ+ stories.
“When we remove stories of marginalized people, we send the message that their stories and experiences are not acceptable, which adds to the stigma,” she said. “Kids deserve the chance to learn, develop critical thinking skills—no matter where they come from, transgender or not, straight or LGBTQ+. Removing the resources that empower a child to learn and ask questions removes a critical function of education.”
It seems to me that the left hides behind the shield of “marginalized people” to implement their agenda. Yes, Rachel, “your story” is unacceptable to children if “your story” is about explicit sex, often anonymous, and often between people that are wildly apart in age. The “stories” are often about grooming while you deny that you’re groomers.
This is not a “story” that needs to be on the shelves of school libraries. Period. Shut up and go away.
Read about it HERE if you must click on a lefty rag.
pimp your cause on your dime & time, faggots
Hitler was right with the homos.
Fascinating Fact: They weren’t called LGQTBWXYX back then.
Some adults need to be flogged.
“Marginalized” people are “marginalized” for a reason – they’re a cancer on society.
Perversion is anti-human, anti-civilization, anti-God, and, ultimately, non-procreative.
One of the problems with perversion is overreach. From Sodom and Gomorrah to San Francisco and New York the perverts aren’t happy to be left to their perversions – they insist that ALL partake and “celebrate” along with them – which, generally, leads to a backlash – repugnance becoming overwhelming.
Does that imply that we should throw them off rooftops?
Or stone them to death outside the village (to remove the pollution)?
That should be determined locally.
“The right to choose.”
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
These so-called adults that want porn in school libraries need to be investigated for child abuse ASAP
Groomers. That’s who. And that is a stone cold natural fact and you know I’m right. Especially you groomers know I’m right.
“…we send the message that their stories and experiences are not acceptable…”
If it could possibly offend a fraction of one percent of the population, it is gone. What offends 99% is allowed. Makes sense.
Let the kids look at old National Geographic magazines like I did.
No Carlos, they need to be hanged….
gays by their very nature do not have children. so they must recruit from people who do have children. as such, they are groomers and have no place in any discussion on the upbringing or education of children. In the past, people who did this usually had very exciting lives. and quite possibly short as well.
Put the books in the library. List the names, ph# and home addresses of the “sponsors” of the books on the inside cover. If no one wants to be a sponsor, no books get placed. Problem solved.
Faggots & kiddie rapers be faggots and kiddie rapers. Start tossing them off of rooftops, and they’ll learn to shut their fucking pervert mouths again.
So how in the hell is this unfairly affecting the LGBPDQ community? The standard also bans books that depict normal (heterosexual) sex acts. There is no shortage of nudity and depictions of sex acts readily available on the internet; the schools are not the place for it.
@Dave Huff July 28, 2022 at 8:54 am
> No Carlos, they need to be hanged….
Define “they”.
(some snark. to attract the spice starved youngins. aaaaaand, now… it’s gone.)
Princess Dunder Dick doesn’t “spend” xer illions of dollars… her own illions of dollars… to march into a public grift show. Nor are illions and illions of babies tossed on The Altar, for xer amusement.
Who needs to be extirpated? For xer rule?