Finger Flipper is Not Only “Classy” She’s a Liar – IOTW Report

Finger Flipper is Not Only “Classy” She’s a Liar

Linda Sanchez, the loathsome representative from California has proven her left-wing bona fides by doing what the left does best- lie.

This shitstain, who clearly gives the finger to the Republican dugout during the congressional baseball game claims that she was actually giving the finger to a “fan” who “shouts misogynistic slurs” at her “every year.”

When asked what those slurs were she said she “wouldn’t dignify them by repeating them.”

The picture above is her being dignified.

The Washington Nationals mascot was in the Republican dugout and said she is a big fat liar.

She is all three, indeed.

I don’t want to say she is fat, but at her last check-up, the congressional doctor asked her to open her mouth and say oink.

Story HERE

22 Comments on Finger Flipper is Not Only “Classy” She’s a Liar

  1. Classier than the BO who would on live tv pretend to rub the side of itโ€™s face.
    I am still having trouble with this floating pronoun thing

  2. This overstuffed burrito is sister to Loretta Sanchez who stole the election from Bob Dornan in Orange County CA many years ago.
    Linda’s husband was indicted on charges related to the theft of public funds.
    Yeah, there’s a fan who said something offensive to this POS.

  3. Pig-whimmen democrats like this fat sow are the literally the kind of women who intentionally inflict misery on other people and then with full sincerity claim victim status in the interaction using some standard lie that all the democrat fiends recognize as a pat political smear that they’re required to concur with regardless of evidence.

    That’s why democrats are so dangerous. They literally have no morals, no integrity, and no decency. And the ones still balking at this blunt statement of reality are either demons themselves or unbelievably dense.

  4. Yep, TommyS.
    Sheโ€™s about your speedโ€ฆwhy donโ€™t you marry her?
    You could cup each otherโ€™s farts and smell them.
    Iโ€™m sure it would bring you both great delight.


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