Trust Me , If You Haven’t Seen This You Must Watch Now… Trust Me – IOTW Report

Trust Me , If You Haven’t Seen This You Must Watch Now… Trust Me

ht/ jerry manderin

51 Comments on Trust Me , If You Haven’t Seen This You Must Watch Now… Trust Me

  1. I hope the 911 call about a fake cop doesn’t end up with charges against the citizen.

    He was who he said he was.

    On the other hand, the Fed needs to appreciate he wasn’t shot for treading on the 2nd amendment.

    Hope he’s a bachelor. He might not survive his assignment in the future.

  2. I’m going to have a huge grin on my face all week. It’s no secret that the ATF hires the stupidest of the stupid. The thing that would have been even better is if they had tazed him. His screams of agony would have too much for me to bear. LOL

  3. Okay that one wins the internet for the weekend.

    Every gun owner in every town and city needs to see that one.

    Should be standard procedure every time they show up at someone’s door!

    Thank god I turned in my license when Bill and Reno were doing their thing.

  4. What was the location?

    Believe some jurisdictions might not have handled it as well as this.

    Give the cops an extra box of donuts and free coffee for the rest of the year!

    Unfortunately, depending on the upper command they might get a ration…

  5. Just that One absolutely Delicious event, one of Them getting summathat, that they so enjoy giving the good citizens leaves me feeling almost as vindicated as I felt after watching Revenge of the Nerds.

  6. Been thinking about this guy’s uncooperative attitude being the thing that escalated the situation and it came to mind how many times I’ve talked to police because my customer forgot to turn off the alarm system.

    You just explain yourself and let them make the calls to confirm you are who you say you are and have permission to be where you you are.

    By the third time, the University Park cop and I were greeting each other by name and the whole process then was a wave to each other and him reporting everything’s ok.

    But, cooperation from the first moment is key. When you’re innocent, you don’t resist the process. Personally, I want to put the cop at ease to make the whole process go smooth and quick. Giving lip or sass, as we used to call it, only makes things worse.

    This guy thought he could swing a bigger dick right from the get-go. Completely disrespectful. Only the guns drawn had an effect on him recognizing he’s not in power in the situation.

    This is why they want all the guns to themselves.

    This guy’s ego and his perceived elite status vs the rest of us peons – is the real problem. The Feds find the most evil people when it comes to anti-constitutional orders to follow. They have no shame. I wonder if they know how evil they are.

  7. “Stop resisting” …*thump*…*whack* “We’re only trying to help you” *thump*
    -Odin, previous to retirement.

    Remember, “federal agents” Are. Not. Police. The police know this, do not like them or their ‘better-than-thou’ attitudes, and have no use for them; this scenario is applauded by all real cops …well, except for those employed as police who are federal goon wannabees.

  8. Ya, dat’s a keeper, you betcha!!
    “Somebody show me Nancy Pelosi’s floppy tits”
    Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha….
    Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha….

  9. Was that guy even a LEO?

    It’s really NOT unusual for someone dressed as a civilian at an emergency scene to have their credentials questioned. You want to be sure you know the person who is not manifestly a LEO is, in fact, a LEO before you get to trusting him too much, because bad things can happen if he’s lying.

    I’ve never met a cop who wasn’t OK with that.

    If this WAS a cop, he didn’t have any field experience. Most people know that screaming at an officer will not make him think you’re freindly, and most police would know other police will react negatively to hostility and noncompliance because THEY would react negatively to hostility and noncompliance.

    Not everyone who says they are police, is in fact police. Police know this and would not get unctuous about it.

    …Unless they were extremely arrogant, unprofessional, poorly trained and thinly experienced Federal hires, that is…

  10. Shoe, foot. Other shoe, other foot.
    Or…..sauce, goose, gander.

    They BOTH deserve what they got. And I’m grinnin’ from ear to ear over it. Again and again.
    First, the thumping that the BATFEces received for being an arrogant FedBoi.
    Second, the lawsuit that local po-po got for excessive force.
    May this be a lesson that the local citizenry learn to use to play off one Authoritah against the other Authoritah.

  11. LOL! Thank God for states rights. Turning the tables on a Fed stooge. Excellent! Funny how leftards all have the same freak out lines when cornered – “I can’t breathe!” etc. Love it.

  12. It’s really sad that our federal government has achieved the status of Hitler’s SS. They go in and stomp on the Constitution, violate our rights and think they are superior to anyone. Clearly he is resisting arrest, a crime that will mysteriously disappear from the records. Buddy just lay down on the ground and submit, once the police find your ID you will be released without trouble. This type of Dumb Fuckery is representative of the evil that is destroying our country

  13. The thing that really got me was at the very end when the host is laughing he wants to calm down and says “someone show me a picture of Nancy Pelosi’s floppy tits”.

  14. ‘My wife’s pregnant’ “I have a medical condition!’ Whiny whiner should have listened and complied.

    This is priceless and genius on the home owner’s part.

  15. From the article Tsquare posted above:
    ‘The lawsuit names the City of Columbus, Fihe and Winchell as defendants and argues this is part of a pattern of misconduct by Columbus police and a lack of investigation into officers’ behavior, calling it “unconstitutional policing.”

    JHCristo! This jerk is complaining about ‘unconstitutional policing’ while he was engaged in that very act? What an asshat.
    That did not look at all like excessive force. His pitiful little ego was hurt.

  16. Do yourself a huge favor and go to Youtube and watch the whole video. Just type ‘ATF agent gets tazed by police’. You’ll laugh yourself sick. This idiot agent will lose his case. The cops performed beautifully and deserve extra donuts. The ATF agent was once arrested for shoplifting wine from a Kroger. This is the same ATF that ran the operations at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

  17. From TSquared’s link (above):
    “Burk (the ATF agent) has since moved to an administrative role within ATF because of the incident and injuries, both physical and psychological, Burk says he suffered.”

    It just keeps getting better!

  18. Can’t wait to see how the new 86,000 I RS agents going to be hired, from the new bill that just passed, will be out and about. Tie that story to the other one a week or so back about all the ammo the I r s is buying up. Perfect Storm in the making. We are being set up.

  19. We’re having a company meeting this morning with the big screen on. An instructional seminar in one short video. Why do so many people live in an ass sniffing credentials based world, and so deeply? ‘I’m ATF, I have a piece of paper! To the cop you’re some dude trying to get into a citizen’s house resisting a lawful order, nothing more, nothing less. Jerk. Wind up the cops for nothing but paper status and ego. He’s lucky the homeowner didn’t do a Joe Biden shotgun double tap through the door.

  20. THAT was the SWEETEST comeuppance I’ve seen in a long while.

    All joking aside, if the ATF shows up at your door, under NO circumstances do you answer. Just call the Sheriff and report an “ARMED INTRUDER” outside your door!

    Cops may or may not take this egregious violation of the 2nd amendment seriously, but the vast and overwhelming majority of Sheriffs will.

    Remember, the Sheriff IS the highest ranking law enforcement officer in your county no matter who else is there including the DOJ, FBI, NSA, ATF or even the U.S. Attorney General himself!


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