AOC Says Drag Queens Are the Patriots in the U.S. – IOTW Report

AOC Says Drag Queens Are the Patriots in the U.S.

You know it must be true because she says it four times.

(This is a linguistic “tell” that the person doesn’t believe what they are saying.)

17 Comments on AOC Says Drag Queens Are the Patriots in the U.S.

  1. I suggest we get together a brigade composed entirely of drag queen
    Queens and station them menacingly near the Chinese border. Let’s see who’s intimidated and who’s laughing.

  2. ” I ‘ LL BE HONEST WITH YOU. ” The best future past giveaway ever pysco analized. Listen for that phrase , and those that use it. Of course your honest, this time.

  3. Considering the source is the AOC horse, of course

    I assume she means a drag queens are patriots in the same way The Lincoln Project founders are patriots. If there;s anything patriot about being a pedo groomer….

  4. Ugh. You could almost smell the oozing monkeypox in that video. After that tongue-bath she gave them, she’s got to be walking out of that room with at least one ulcerated lesion.


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