Why Taiwan You Say? Taiwan is Now Arrakis – IOTW Report

Why Taiwan You Say? Taiwan is Now Arrakis


…the plot of the entire Dune series of books, one of the ur-texts of modern science fiction. There’s this galactic empire, see, and interstellar travel requires access to a certain narcotic drug, colloquially called “spice”, which only exists on one barren world – Arrakis. So if you want to control the empire, you have to control the supply of spice. And if you want to control the supply of spice, you have to control Arrakis.

I thought about all this when I read this little gem in the aftermath of Intel’s self-immolation last week … you know, the earnings announcement where this crown jewel of American innovation and strength told us that they had decided to financialize themselves into oblivion. Or as I like to call it, “pull a GE”.

The world’s principal supplier of semiconductors – the spice of OUR global empire – is now Taiwan.

Thanks a lot, Intel. Thanks a lot, Bob Swan. Thanks a lot, Jack Welch. Thanks a lot, all you Wall Street wizards of financialization.

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13 Comments on Why Taiwan You Say? Taiwan is Now Arrakis

  1. Taiwan is just a speck on the map. Ukraine is not much bigger.
    How did these two otherwise inconsequential locations become the epicenters of the world’s food and microprocessor supply?
    Or is this part of the plan…

  2. Following up on the first comment at the link, I hope TSMC gets that Phoenix factory up and running real fast…


    …and that their Taiwan facilities don’t end up like that H Q factory…


    …also, I’m reading that warehouses full of inventory may be back in vogue as Just In Time is revealing its big flaws.

    And Jethro, the big stuff always kicks off in the backwaters.

  3. “When religion and politics travel in the same cart, the riders believe nothing can stand in their way. Their movements become headlong – faster and faster and faster. They put aside all thoughts of obstacles and forget the precipice does not show itself to the man in a blind rush until it’s too late.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

    …with Democrats, politics IS religion.

    All hail the State.

  4. No shit everyone knows they are the mecca of semiconductors. Biden also stop rare earth mining in America his first day of office. China has all the rare minerals for electric batteries too. Americans better fucking wake up. I want to see our traitors swing by a tree.

  5. This article is way wrong. WAY wrong. This Silicon Valley has the drug. And that drug is PVD tech. That chip manufacturers buy the automated machines and process from American co.

  6. Taiwan, just like Ukraine is a hub for democrats and their globalist friends to launder money, finance their far-left causes.
    That is why they defend them, and put them ahead of the USA and US Citizens.


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