WATCH: Steve Bannon Says THIS DETAIL Could Hand Democrats Victory… – IOTW Report

WATCH: Steve Bannon Says THIS DETAIL Could Hand Democrats Victory…

Steve Bannon is worried that Republicans still don’t have the resources that Democrats have. He says unless we focus on working with right-wing billionaires like Peter Thiel, we’re going to lose.

As a result, Bannon is calling on patriots to set up grassroots programs to get out the vote.

In his own words:

“If we’re going to be grassroots, we’re never going to have the money the establishment has. They don’t care they are ‘controlled opposition’. They don’t care about the managed decline of the country.”

10 Comments on WATCH: Steve Bannon Says THIS DETAIL Could Hand Democrats Victory…

  1. yeah grassroots, that’s the ticket, voting HARDERER.

    Looks like Kari Lake is getting set up for a fucking in AZ. Why has only 80% of that vote been “counted” I know, I know, rhetorical question.

  2. ^^^^^^ If Lake loses the need to do a forensic audit. If she wins they still need to do one. There’s no Fing way the vote should be this close. Hobbs is up to her old tricks again.

  3. Counts and recounts don’t mean much when 100 leftists file into a room to count with a couple republicans at the back unable to see a thing, when a mailroom room dumps ballots in a river in a republican district, or when dominion source code is closed. Then you get smoke blown up your ass about the most accurate and secure election in history just to insult your intelligence to the maximum degree.

  4. All voting should be one day, all paper, no machines counting those paper ballots. No mail in voting, no early voting and the only people doing absentee voting should be military and those should be flown in by the military and USPS never allowed to touch them.

    All hand counting of ballots should be at the local precincts with what is usually at mine 3 old ladies, along with a representative for each candidate.

  5. Nothing matters if they allow printed ballot dumps after 12:00 AM by trucks that don’t even have proper license plates.
    It is not about resources. The Republican party always was behind in resources due to the propaganda from the “democratic” party. After the 2018 and 2020 elections, the democrats have a blueprint on how to rig and win every election. The Republicans need to stop watching that happen, or even some of them going with the democrats and do something about it.
    The midterm 2018 elections was a warning sign to the Republicans, but they did not take that seriously. The same tactics used by the democrats to turn historically red districts here in Los Angeles area, Orange County to democrat.
    The problem is not with the democrats. We all know they never play by the rules, and have contempt to laws. The problem is in the Republicans, and their inability, or unwillingness to stop this nonsense.

  6. I hope to heaven that voter fraud does not happen but that is the only way the dem/communists and the RINOs can win honest voting be damned.The last election Trump had it won when low and behold they stopped the count I knew then we had been screwed and that is putting it mildly.The RINOs are messing their britches already did anyone see what John Krazy said and they had the crybaby ass kisser of Cheney on tv about to bawl .These sons of bitches better wake up to the fact that in the RINO case people like me are not going to vote for them again and never a dem/communist ain’t gonna happen we will sit it out first.

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