Bad Attorney or Sabotage? – IOTW Report

Bad Attorney or Sabotage?

14 Comments on Bad Attorney or Sabotage?

  1. The left will do anything to silence conservative voices. Even skitchy ones. They are an abomination and I look forward to the day when they’re all howling in hades.

  2. I’m guessing someone on the lawyer’s staff leaked the files.

    Alex Jones has said some despicable things, however, they have been no more despicable than the firehose of excrement that spews out of mouths on the Left on an hourly basis. They will never face prosecution and rarely face civil litigation.

  3. This is simply grounds for appeal. Jones is not admirable,IMHO. I lived with in ten miles of Newtown and it was very very real.

    If the plaintiff had this evidence for 12 days shouldn’t it have been entered as an exhibit? Also it seems obvious that this amount to ineffective counsel.

  4. Watching that judge it’s obvious she doesn’t like Jones.
    Whole thing is ridiculous and an attack on the 1st amendment.
    Everyone here who hasn’t said or done something stupid, raise your hand

  5. All his texts and emails were supposed to be turned over to the Plaintiffs’ Counsel during the pre-trial disclosure process. These were withheld by Jones, or his Attorneys, until they were accidentally sent after the Case had started, and they proved that Jones had perjured himself during his testimony. He’s going to be found guilty of lying about his knowledge of this and slandering the parents of the children killed at Sandy Hook. Alex Jones compounded a terrible tragedy with his claims that this was faked by Feds as a set up to take away Second Amendment Rights. Jones admitted that the massacre at Newtown happened, but now he’s facing a ten year stretch for perjury, and his Attorneys are looking at disbarment. It’s a wonderful conundrum.

  6. There’s no shortage of bad attorneys.
    There’s no shortage of corrupt attorneys.

    “St. Genesius is the patron saint of clowns and lawyers. Clearly, the Lord doesn’t always work in mysterious ways.”
    ― John Alejandro King a.k.a. The Covert Comic

  7. I believe the source of this entire Newtown conspiracy crap is an unfortunate misstatement made by Lt Paul Vance, CT state police spokesman. On the scene, at Newtown, during what certainly was one of his worst days ever he initially stated (and quickly corrected) that the shooter Lanza had left long guns in the trunk of his car and used handgun(s) for the shooting. It was the reverse and Vance corrected himself. That mistake meant nothing to horrified civilians but was obviously an important detail to police investigators.

    That correction of the record allowed verminous scum like Jones to milk the horror for their personal gain.


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