This Harvard Professor Was Exonerated. Students and Professors Are Still Demanding the School Cancel His Classes. – IOTW Report

This Harvard Professor Was Exonerated. Students and Professors Are Still Demanding the School Cancel His Classes.

The gist?

An activist lesbian and two of her cohorts claimed that a 77-year-old Harvard anthropologist professor sexually harassed them. The school investigated and found the charges to be made up.

So why did they wage this fraudulent campaign against the man?

Liberty Loft-

The controversy began in May 2020 when Kilburn, Mandava, and Czerwienski lodged a Title IX complaint against the 77-year-old anthropologist. The complaint contained a litany of lurid allegations: that Comaroff had kissed and touched Kilburn without her consent; that he’d fantasized aloud about her being raped; and that he retaliated against Mandava and Czerwienski for attempting to bring his conduct to light.

Harvard investigators determined that Comaroff never touched Kilburn inappropriately, but had warned her against traveling to Cameroon with her same-sex partner—because, he said, gay people in the country are often targeted for “corrective rape,” a practice that has been documented extensively by human rights groups and the U.S. government.


Justice would have been served if she was raped.

8 Comments on This Harvard Professor Was Exonerated. Students and Professors Are Still Demanding the School Cancel His Classes.

  1. Pretty much the same as San Francisco telling their gay men it’s fine to have sex even with the Monkeypox around, just to be careful (but go ahead and enjoy yourselves). And if anyone outside that community says anything, well they are clearly phobic, or sumthin’.

  2. There is a book by Robert Young Pelton called “The World’s Most Dangerous Places”, excellent book. Cameroon is one of the countries listed because of “corrective rape” or just being a white person, regardless of your lifestyle. The savages in that part of Africa still practice cannibalism, if the mood is upon them, although the NYT approves. If those “women” had gone over there, they would have ended up like those 2 girls from Sweden who went to Morocco’s Atlas mountains & had their heads used as soccer balls. After being gang raped repeatedly, mind you.

  3. Is Harvard still a thing to be considered seriously?

    A truly exceptional HS classmate of mine, deserved acceptance there, back in 1977. I seriously doubt he would even be interested in applying to today’s despicable institution.
    But the inmates have commandeered the prison, and have a ginormous Endowment Fund to wage their war on Humanity.


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