Guy Will Try and Auction Novelty Baseball Card of an 8-Year-Old Mark Zuckerberg – IOTW Report

Guy Will Try and Auction Novelty Baseball Card of an 8-Year-Old Mark Zuckerberg

Who gives a shit?


As told by Tarantino—who still works summers at Elmwood Day Camp in Westchester, New York—Zuckerberg, then age 8 or 9, offered the card he’d had printed as a parting gift at the end of camp 30 years ago. The card will also be auctioned off as a digital collector’s item—a so-called NFT, or non-fungible token, that has become a popular way to own memorabilia. Zuckerberg posted about the Comic Connect auction Thursday on Instagram, partly as a way to promote NFT technology in general, but also to help promote NFTs across his company’s platforms.

Tarantino, now a 5th-grade teacher in Connecticut, held on to the Zuckerberg baseball card, not knowing when he filed it away in his basement that the kid would someday become a household name. “He was definitely a kid you knew and remembered,” he recalls. “On the back of his card, he put a .920 batting average—which is like impossible in baseball. So even as a little kid, he was aiming big.”


This reminds me of the guy who tried to sell Sammy Davis Junior’s video collection on Pawn Stars.

The guy thought he had something special. It was a pile of videos, no more, no less.

But, what do I know? Some asshole is liable to plunk down big money for this absolute ‘nuthin’ of a thing.

11 Comments on Guy Will Try and Auction Novelty Baseball Card of an 8-Year-Old Mark Zuckerberg

  1. “Non-fungible token” sounds like some kind of gross yeast infection in places I don’t even want to imagine.

    Maybe Gates can invent some kind of fungicide vax to kill (er oops, I mean cure) the fungicidal Zucker.

  2. Ok, here’s what I would pay good money for an item from someone famous. I want a video of the first girl who turned down Zuckie and for what reason. Remember, back in grade school all girls wanted were the jocks or the dangerous type boys. No girl was looking to see what someone would be worth in their prime earning years!

  3. Here is something I hope You will pay for . . . the whole Thing , All of IT. From the béginning. Except for the missing stuff . . . so most of IT. Call by someday, sooner and later. The Price will be allright too.

  4. Put a match to the vile thing especially since most decent people have enough of the homely clown. Add the fact that the accused seks predator Tarantino’s “Westchester, NY” is the very same place Fauci Mengele buried countless black and hispanic orphaned children resulting from his unapproved experimenting on them and using poisonous chemicals during the 1980s-1990s ( to present).

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