Handling Those Vaccine Damage Claim Denials Is a Workout – IOTW Report

Handling Those Vaccine Damage Claim Denials Is a Workout

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It Ain’t Holy Water

8 Comments on Handling Those Vaccine Damage Claim Denials Is a Workout

  1. Joe Biden and his false administration along with collaborators have only ONE policy when exposed, confronted, and challenged with their criminal activities: “DENY EVERYTHING”

  2. If anyone is going to sue, start with all the prodding that took place when Operation Warp Speed came out. Anyone looking for a class action lawsuit to sue for the jab, has a long road ahead of them. They’ll never see a penny of any lawsuit – the jab was voluntary. Not even a year ago, here’s Trump:

    Donald Trump Touts COVID Vaccines, Says Those Dying and Hospitalized Didn’t Get the Shots

    By Jason Lemon On 12/23/21 at 11:28 AM EST

    Former President Donald Trump has doubled down on his support for COVID-19 vaccines, pointing out in an interview this week that most of those dying and hospitalized from the coronavirus have not received the life-saving shots.

    Trump supporters and conservatives are among the groups most likely to reject inoculation, according to numerous polls. But the former president has repeatedly touted the efficacy of the vaccines, describing their rapid development as a signature achievement of his administration’s Operation War Speed in 2020.

    During an interview with Daily Wire host Candace Owens this week, Trump again touted the vaccines even as the conservative host attempted to cast doubt on their efficacy. He described the vaccine as “one of the greatest achievements of mankind.”


    Anyone here still willing to roll their sleeve up for the “greatest achievement of mankind?” Yeah, a shit load of highly trained doctors took the stupid shot and wants you to do the same.

    (Trump said the above not even a year ago)

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