Schiffty Liz – IOTW Report

Schiffty Liz

Patriot Retort:

I was wrong when I said Liz Cheney was transforming into Nancy Pelosi. It is far more accurate to say she’s transforming into Adam Schiff — shifftifying before our eyes into Schiffty Liz.

Like Adam Schiff, Schiffty Liz spends most of her time giving interviews on CNN, MSNBC, and all the Sunday shows.

Week after week, hour after hour, Schiffty Liz is the media’s go-to source for a constant stream of teasing suggestions on how the walls are closing in on Donald Trump.

What Adam Schiff was to RussiaGate, Schiffty Liz Cheney is to InsurrectionGate.

In the first two years of Donald Trump’s presidency, Adam Schiff did hundreds of interviews on cable news and the Sunday shows, always promising explosive “evidence” of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

He saw it, don’t you know. But he can’t reveal it because, conveniently, it was classified. But trust him, the proof is there that Donald Trump was a Russian asset under the control of the Kremlin. You’ll just have to take his word for it. more here

12 Comments on Schiffty Liz

  1. Funny thing about that is that Shyyytty Liz doesn’t have a Schiff pencil neck though sports some bulging bulbous grotesque thing posing as a “necK”. Like snakes which swallow their food whole and without chewing, Shyyytty’s neck looks like she just swallowed her own ass.

  2. If my memory serves me correctly, we had another member of our “esteemed” federal legislature who claimed to have a list of the names of 205 people within the US who were colluding with the Russians back in the 1950s. Gee, what was his name… he had the same last name as that ventriloquist dummy with the monocle…

  3. There WAS a fifth column of communists in the gov’t colluding with the Soviet Union back in the 50s.
    Those traitors’ children and grandchildren are now in the House and Senate colluding with the WEF, China, and the Globaloney Euro-Trash to destroy America – and Liz is one of them.

    Cheney isn’t simply making up shit and attacking President Trump – she’s making up shit and attacking America, undermining its foundations, and sowing hatred and mistrust. President Trump is America’s lightning rod – a role I’m pretty certain he cherishes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. TN
    in ’90 Mikey gave a list of 1,000 KGB agents working in America from ’40 to ’88 to Rony. He gave it to the former President becuse the leftist in office had many friends on the list and would do what UNIPARTY has always don – MEMORY HOLE IT!

    Tailgunner had a lot of those guys~! Libs hated him for the same reason they hated Hover. ALL 50 OF hover’s’42 LIST WERE ON MIKEY’S kgb list. All of them were just what he told FDR – Working for KGB.

  5. Almost all of Liz Cheney’s financial support is coming from out of state Trump haters. She’s being touted by these delusional carpetbaggers as a very serious contender to run against President Donald J. Trump in the 2024 Election. As a Republican! She has already been thrown out of the Wyoming Republican Party, so I’m guessing that Liz Cheney will be running for President from Washington D.C., where her real supporters live and work for the Dementiacrat Party.

  6. A day doesn’t go by here in WY, that the mailbox or the front doorknob isn’t littered with a flyer for Liz Cheney.

    I should’ve saved them all. Remember decades ago, when HS bands had paper recycle drive to raise funds? I coulda bought the band a new tuba!
    bwa ha ha Take that, Dick! Hope you’re out hunting when I’m shooting blue grouse; you have that same ashen gray tint, I might make a ‘mistake’, lololol.

  7. That Gateway Pundit article and video is such a thing of beauty, that it needs to be seen by everyone who truly hates everything Liz Cheney represents. Only hardcore Trump haters will pay any attention to this deranged turncoat after Wyoming defenestrates this miserable termagant.


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