Image of Distant Star Actually a Sausage Slice – IOTW Report

Image of Distant Star Actually a Sausage Slice

adn america

A French scientist apologized after tweeting what he claimed to be an image of a distant star taken by the James Webb Space Telescope but in reality, was a slice of chorizo. 

Scientist embarrassed after photo of "star" turns out to be sliced chorizo  | News

Physicist and director at France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission Etienne Klein shared the image of the “star” on Twitter last week, claiming it provided an unprecedented “level of detail.” More

21 Comments on Image of Distant Star Actually a Sausage Slice

  1. I saw that story over the weekend and shared with my wife. We both laughed but today she packed my lunch and when I opened the salami calabrese and cheese snack, I saw the rest of the solar system. And I ate it.

  2. It was apparent to me reading the W Post 72 years ago that FAKE NEWS was a “feature” of America’s Press. But our newspapers have a Constitutional right to lie, 1st Amndt!

    The press has probably always lied to us.

    Mark Twain said about 140 years ago, “If you dont read a paper you are UNIFORMED. If you read one you are MISINFORMED.

    Misinformed was 19Th century for FAKE NEWS!

    Which explains Joes 81,000,000 votes!


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