Miami Considering Creating a “Homeless Island” – IOTW Report

Miami Considering Creating a “Homeless Island”

Washington Times

The Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners is considering a new plan that would move homeless people into camps on a small island off the city’s Atlantic Coast.

Virginia Key, home to bike trails and a sewage plant, is the newest location being weighed for city-sponsored homeless encampments. The Board of County Commissioners will be discussing the overall homeless movement plan on Thursday.

22 Comments on Miami Considering Creating a “Homeless Island”

  1. Isn’t that tantamount to “ethnic” cleansing?
    Deportation, so to speak?

    Just put em on busses to CA, Chicago, and NY – it’ll be cheaper in the long run.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Might as well shut down the sewage plant…once all the feces the bums drop inevitably ends up (untreated) in the ocean, the sea will be as polluted as that around places like San Francisco and Honolulu. I’ve seen cats trained to use toilets, but not the homeless.

  3. We used to have “homeless islands” in every state. They were called “mental hospitals”. The system worked fine until a bunch of do-gooders with the help of the ACLU screwed everything up.

  4. In my ex-hometown, there were one or two “regular” street characters, totally harmless. When a new homeless person would appear, the cops would either put them on a California-bound Grayhound, or drive them to the California border with a warning to never come back. Back then, the streets were clean and safe. Then we got a woke police chief. Over the next 10 years, homeless camps appeared everywhere, and the idiot bleeding hearts at the Presbyterian church began feeding them, and the parks became unsafe for families, filth and debris everywhere, mysterious brush fires, an occasional stabbing or two. Glad I left.


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