There’s Security Camera Video of FBI Raiders – IOTW Report

There’s Security Camera Video of FBI Raiders


Eric Trump said that the security cameras at Mar-a-Lago caught FBI agents behaving improperly during Monday’s raid, alleging that investigators were accessing parts of former President Donald Trump‘s Florida residence that they “shouldn’t have been.”

In an interview with, Eric Trump said that because staff refused to turn off the surveillance cameras at the request of the FBI, the Mar-a-Lago cameras captured agents raiding areas that they weren’t authorized to. More

14 Comments on There’s Security Camera Video of FBI Raiders

  1. Anonymous – You don’t know and I don’t know and that’s the way it is.
    However if this had been carried out obove board and to the letter of the law there would be no room for speculation!

  2. “…did Trump know this was coming and set up a trap?”

    Very possible. After seeing how people in his inner circle were treated during their arrests, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  3. Mar-a-Lago is probably required to have security cameras for insurance purposes alone. I can only imagine what secret service requirements are for a former president’s residence.

    So much stuff is electronic today and stored digitally, does anyone keep important documents in safes anymore?

    The FBI beclowned itself and now there’s a mountain of bodies being thrown under the bus so many in official Washington trying to save themselves.

  4. No matter the details, between a stuttering pantshitting clown fake POTUS, and a Three Stooges revival FBI, and a Speaker that belongs in a horror/farce B movie, the US looks like a middle school civics project: “How to make a laughable parody of a legitimate country.”

    Leader of the Free World ?? Bwa ha ha ha ha bleuach!

  5. No one needs anything more than to know they were on the property to know with certainty they were engaged in this type of violation. A leopard can’t change its spots. They are what they are and there is no further information needed to know they went far beyond what had been authorized.

  6. I’ve known two guys, one from high school and one from college, that were FBI agents. Both could have been the inspiration for the character Neidermeyer in Animal House

  7. If it reads like a troll, lacks common sense like a troll, and hangs around like a troll, don’t feed it, let it starve it’s a troll that feeds off of any response that’s the only life it has.

  8. Since bumbling Biden-buffoon agents refused to display the “warrant” but from 10 feet away it’s likely there was NO valid warrant at all and was an intimidation tactic often used by oppressive and tyrannical governments, particularly widely-corrupt Ukraine and the CCP. The known child seks molester-Epstein participant and “judge” Bruce Reinhart may have fabricated the entire “raid” warrant for the purposes of peddling fear, intimidation, and domination not only against Trump but to every living American citizen on US soil.


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