Explosions at Russian Airfield in Crimea Sends Tourist Scampering – IOTW Report

Explosions at Russian Airfield in Crimea Sends Tourist Scampering


Several Russian warplanes have been destroyed in dramatic explosions at a base in Crimea, the part of Ukraine that was annexed by Russia eight years ago, according to satellite imagery.

The Russian planes were at the Saky base on the Crimean Peninsula. Following the explosions this week, a number of aircraft were destroyed. The Ukrainian Air Force said at least nine Russian planes were taken out. More

Turns out the airbase is near a popular tourist beach; well, it was popular.

Here and Here

5 Comments on Explosions at Russian Airfield in Crimea Sends Tourist Scampering

  1. “Towering plumes of black smoke were seen rising from the Saki air base …clearly visible from nearby packed beaches.”

    If they think the beach in the photo were “nearly packed”, they should visit Santa Monica in the summer; you can’t see the sand.

  2. Outside of the surfing scene in “Apocalypse Now”, I can’t really think of another instance where a war zone was popular with tourists.

    Almost makes this war we are pouring billions into seem fake.

  3. HTF thinks being a “tourist” in Crimea is a good idea?
    ” Honey, let’s go vacation to the Ukraine this summer, The B2B rentals in Crimea are really affordable”.

    I suppose it’s safer than the Miricle Mile in Chicago.


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