Don’t Fall For the Left’s Gas Lighting – IOTW Report

Don’t Fall For the Left’s Gas Lighting

Chris Bray on Substack

This maneuver is everywhere in our culture: My specialized language actually reveals that your non-credentialed perception of reality is incorrect. To doubt Dr. Fauci is to question science, and a demand for informed consent prior to the injection of a pharmaceutical product into your body is similarly an act that shows you don’t believe in science. So ignorant!

Science is the act of putting this into your body, so shut up.

Sex with children is actually quite badly misunderstood by people who aren’t credentialed. Really sad that these people are so terribly misinformed, but of course they’re just tragically uneducated.

And of course, anyone with a correct understanding of the professional ethics of federal officials understands that, my goodness, there’s just no possibility that a raid on Donald Trump’s actual bedroom could be intrusive or an abusive display of power. More

8 Comments on Don’t Fall For the Left’s Gas Lighting

  1. “To doubt Dr. Fauci is to question science, and a demand for informed consent prior to the injection of a pharmaceutical product into your body is similarly an act that shows you don’t believe in science. So ignorant!”

    In your eyes Fauki Fauci you see me as ignorant, but I see myself as a questioner of authority. You only wished that I was ignorant, but I had you pegged – too bad Trump didn’t. Moi is still a pure blood, and proud to say there’s no PhD behind my name, “PhD” stands for Piled Higher and Deeper, that’s what i think of your science.

  2. TheMule August 12, 2022 at 5:03 pm

    No I know why people like democrats used to get their tongues cut out.

    And getting their dicks cut off. Should have been called Operation Warp Speed Genocide


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