Hageman Creates Campaign Site For Liz Cheney – IOTW Report

Hageman Creates Campaign Site For Liz Cheney

Master Trolling-

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24 Comments on Hageman Creates Campaign Site For Liz Cheney

  1. CLASSIC!! A masterful job.
    The last graphic: “Cheny for Virginia, (Paid for by Hageman for Wyoming)” was sticking in the dagger and twisting it worthy.

  2. Professional politicians are carpetbaggers – and the morons and imbeciles who vote for them don’t seem to GAF.

    Mad Max Waters is from St. Louis – thieves out of CA.
    The Corrupt Pelosi is from Baltimore – thieves out of CA.
    Mittens is a demon from Hell – born in Michigan, Governor of Masshole, and presently a thieving maggot Senator from Utah.
    The Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden was born in PA and became a thieving Senator from Delaware.
    John D. Rockefeller IV – born in NYC and thieved as a Senator from WVa.
    Must be hundreds more, but you get the picture.

    Apparently most of us just close our eyes and let Dominion choose our “representatives.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. About four days ago I started receiving fund raising emails deom the carpetbagger Sleaze Cheny. This one was titled “What it takes to be a Cowboy”

    “Liz Cheney for Wyoming”


    Wyoming was founded and built on the idea of freedom, and that’s thankfully still what our state is rooted in today.

    In Wyoming, we believe in the Code of the West. Those tenets about your word being your bond, knowing where to draw the line, some things not being for sale are all tenets that we aspire to live up to because they go to the core of who we are as a state. I’ve worked to embody those principles and strive to follow them as I serve.

    Our people are resilient and need an honest person who is loyal to the Constitution above all else to fight for us in Washington, D.C…..

    Blah, blah, blah, donate, donate, donate.

  4. As did I! Received that same Email from carpetbagger Cheney requesting money! Holy hell, she has become a multi millionaire while in office why does she need my $10 dollars and how did she get my Email address?

  5. If Cheney WERE an honest person and a defender of the US Constitution, she would have said plenty about
    Lois Lerner
    Benghazi and Hillary wiping her server, “with a washcloth??”
    TWO fruitless Presidential Impeachments (!!)
    Fast & Furious
    oBozo slandering the preceding Administration (which employed her dad DICK)

    she’s been in Congress for years, but the self-noble Cheney prooduced…… crickets.

  6. Brilliant! Simply brilliant, and more truthful than anything Liz is spouting and spewing in Wyoming. She’ll be retiring to Virginia permanently in a few months. Can’t wait to see her thanking all the Dementiacrats who voted for her after her ignominious arse whupping next week.

  7. Stirrin: However it’s spelled or pronounced, Lying Liz Cheney is going to get her fake Cowgirl ass kicked all the way back to McLean, Virginia in a couple of days. Maybe she can take her fake Cowboy daddy along with her. Mitt Romney just endorsed Cheney. That’s the Kiss of Death.

  8. Excellent! The best part – there will be stupid Demwit Virginia voters donating to “Cheney for Virginia”. Never figuring out it’s a spoof that helps her opponent, who is an actual Republican candidate in Wyoming. LOL!


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