Stupid Biden is Proud of His Economy While Even His Comrades Are Saying People Are Skipping Meals – IOTW Report

Stupid Biden is Proud of His Economy While Even His Comrades Are Saying People Are Skipping Meals

People who voted for him can eat the 20 or 30 paper ballots that were mailed to them.


I feel bad for Trump voters skipping meals, the others can be Darwined for the good of the nation.

11 Comments on Stupid Biden is Proud of His Economy While Even His Comrades Are Saying People Are Skipping Meals

  1. I don’t feel bad for the stupid, dirty dems at all.
    They wanted to vote for Obiden cuz he seemed nicer or they want the govt to take care of them cradle to grave or to get their “fair share” of other people’s money or whatever.

    They’re shallow, immature voters and they are getting what they asked for.


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