This Police Beating Hasn’t Gone Viral – Perp is Wrong… Um… Just Wrong – IOTW Report

This Police Beating Hasn’t Gone Viral – Perp is Wrong… Um… Just Wrong

Video with Audio below-


25 Comments on This Police Beating Hasn’t Gone Viral – Perp is Wrong… Um… Just Wrong

  1. I want all criminals to be accountable for their crimes & for them to be dealt with to the extent that they make necessary. That being said, I also expect the police to be held to a higher standard than criminals. I believe they’re starting to have to many unreasonable shootings. There were three officers on this man, each were larger than him. He may have still been struggling, but they had him subdued. Grabbing his head and bashing it into the concrete while other cops hold his arms & legs is unreasonable to me. And don’t think it won’t happen to you when the state seems you’re on the wrong side of the ‘law’. It’s coming sooner than you think

  2. I don’t think cops should act this way. But, sometimes when I read about some POS criminal being cut loose by a Soros installed DA, I think that maybe cops should just beat the snot outta some criminal who won’t face any other consequences from the ‘justice’ system. Out of the range of cameras, of course 😉

    The cops were wrong for doing this, though.

  3. Couldn’t care less especially after numerous websites, media, and corrpupt politicians didn’t speak against domestic terrorists, the same craigslist-hired people Joe Biden used, manipulated, and got off on to savage US communities. Z.E.R.O. C.A.R.E.

  4. Hope iotw didn’t get this vid from the clownish and boring whatfinger or the dense and tiresome fake-conserv citizen free press sites. The vid enactment looks strangely staged since if they really wanted to wup the guy he would have gotten a more serious beatdown.

  5. 3 big guys beating up 1 guy? This dude may well deserve it, but if you found yourself on the receiving end, you might have a problem with this. I don’t think this technique is in the training manual. If I knew the details of his other activities, I wouldn’t be as disturbed, but this does not look good. But, I am waiting for more details. I am patiently waiting for it to look good.

  6. One of them was a Hollywood stunt double.
    The Left has always told us how they are just there for the “little guy”!
    “Wherever there’s wrong-doing, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s injustice, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s corruption, We’ll be there!”
    “And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on a little guy, we’ll be there too!”
    Helping to hold the little guy down!

    They were just softening him up for Harvey Weinstein…

  7. The poor little imp wasn’t hurt. He was released on bail that afternoon. With a whole list of charges.

    And interfacing with the law is easy.
    Answer questions.
    Provide ID.
    Don’t be a smart ass.

  8. No one no matter what they have done deserves to be beaten senseless by police after being subdued in a nation that believes and upholds due process and innocence until found guilty. Unfortunately they’ve gutted a lot of police departments with vax policies and defund the police driving a lot of good cops out. And this was always the intended result. To have a force of people often not tied to the community that act ruthless. I’m not backing anyone blindly, that is something that needs to be earned.

  9. @Anonympuse above: ^^^^^ It’s part of the plan. This will be one of us any time soon.

    “To have a force of people often not tied to the community that act ruthless.”

    That would be the UN troops that will be combing our nation to keep things in order. Think any UN thug cares about you? Think again. They gotta get our guns first – that’s their big problem to over come. DON’T GIVE THEM UP!

  10. “To Protect and Serve.”

    What a fukkin joke. Whatever the guy “deserved” he was yet to be indicted, tried, and convicted. Bottom line is you either believe in due process or you don’t. The law is either a glue that holds society together or a cudgel – it cannot be both. Cops are either subject to the law or they aren’t – no middle ground. Face it – it’d be fun to see that happen to Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden – but it’d still be wrong.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Wait until those 87,000 IRS ‘agents” hit the streets. This scene will be commonplace, except the victims will be “white Christian nationalists” aka conservative patriots. Isn’t it funny how the same people pushing to defund local police are all in for a federal police force?

  12. I’ve talked to some people who live in the area and they say one of the cops is a dick, and that this isn’t his first time to be suspended for using excess force.
    Was also watching a local story on it and they interviewed someone who saw all of it. She said the guy was yelling at the store cashier and spit on them. She said she wasn’t sure what it was about, but he did make threats. The cops showed up and at first the guy and 1 cop was just talking, then the second cop showed up and you could see the guy demeanor’s changed and he shoved that cop down. Sometime during or before this the 3rd cop had showed up and they tackled the guy and started punching and kneeing him.

    From how she described the 2nd cop escalated the situation. They could arrested him without all the rest.

  13. Also saw on FB, the cousin of the person recording on his phone was also threatened by one of the cops after they got him in the car. The cop demanded the video be deleted or face arrest for obstructing LE. A few more people came over and told him you have the right to record anything in public and he backed off.

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