Nip It In The Bud – IOTW Report

Nip It In The Bud

Red State

[Nina] Turner, Sanders and their ilk (like Sen. Elizabeth Warren) don’t deserve to even be considered for a government job, much less actually become elected to one. But though Turner has twice been rejected, Sanders still holds a powerful place in the U.S. Senate and may have higher aspirations than that if recent reports are accurate.

This is why we shouldn’t be so dismissive when self-proclaimed “thought leaders” on the left like Turner get on their soapboxes and start spouting dangerous nonsense. Because what we might think would be laughed off in elite Democrat party circles could one day translate into very real policy positions taken by candidates for the highest office in the land, because this is who they are. More

Barney Fife may have been comedic relief for Andy Griffith, but the jester often was the only one who could tell the king to his face what troubled his realm. – Dr. Tar

10 Comments on Nip It In The Bud

  1. “[Nina] Turner, Sanders and their ilk (like Sen. Elizabeth Warren) don’t deserve to even be considered for a government job”

    Then they are unemployable. Nobody in the private sector would employ any of them. Yet they control our destiny. That doesn’t seem right.

  2. Hmm, now that I think of it, Joe “The Retard” Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Bro Sanders, etc, etc, have never had to earn a dime. They’ve never worked in the private sector where you control your earning potential with your job performance. And they sure as hell have never signed the front of a check. They’d be living in a card box had not the Worlds Largest Employer found a place for them.

  3. We already saw that with Joetato and hundreds of others. In a not so distant past they would have been hanged and burned in effigy (if not truly hanged and burned), and run out of the Colonies.

  4. When corruption is King, politics is the road to riches.

    We’ve seen it in every banana Republic, every communist shit-hole, and every tribal society for 6000 years – sadly – we’ve allowed it to fester here.

    “Work your fingers to the bone; whadda ya get?
    Boney fingers.”

    But you can sail to wealth on the wings of bullshit in the corrupt world of politics.

    Just think of the politicians who’ve never done so much as a single day of work in their entire lives: Pelosi, Sanders, Manchin, Biden, Clinton, Nadler, Schitt, Rockefeller, Mittens, Kasich, Schumer, Warren … come to think of it, it’d be easier to find the one or two who did.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @anonymous
    a dirt nap’s too humane for the amount of hardship the political class knowingly inflicted onto the trusting taxpayer & they should suffer the consequences of their actions
    they’ve all said repeatedly, “no one is above the law”
    crazy nancy should be eating one of big mike’s school lunches instead of her gourmet ice cream


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