Crist wins Florida Democratic governor primary, will now challenge DeSantis – IOTW Report

Crist wins Florida Democratic governor primary, will now challenge DeSantis

JTN: Rep. Charlie Crist claimed victory in Florida’s Democratic gubernatorial primary Tuesday night and will challenge Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in November.

The now-Democratic nominee won with 60.2% of the vote, according to the Associated Press.

While DeSantis ran unopposed, Crist, a former Florida governor, faced off against Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried for the Democratic nomination. Also running for the Democratic nomination were Cadance Daniel and Robert Willis.

Crist served one term as Florida’s governor while a Republican. He then lost the party primary for the state’s Senate race in 2010 but ran nonetheless as an independent. He again ran for governor as a Democrat in 2014 but lost to now-Sen. Rick Scott, a Republican. In 2016, he was elected to Congress as a Democrat.

Crist faces an uphill battle against DeSantis. The governor has made national headlines for signing a string of conservative agenda items ranging from patriotic education to restrictions on LGBT instruction, to abortion restriction. He has further maintained an adamantly anti-lockdown policy in the state throughout the pandemic. more

19 Comments on Crist wins Florida Democratic governor primary, will now challenge DeSantis

  1. What Benito said.
    Crist is a wishy-washy power-hungry Libtard traitor willing to switch sides at the drop of a pants.

  2. The fact is DeSantis will win but only a 90% to 10% victory would show me that the country is not in deep shit.

    DeSantis is indeed Top Gov and literally saved Florida from fauci and all the other evil bastards.
    If gillum had won, and only 33,000 votes separated them then there would have been no fucking pushback during covid whatsoever.
    All Floridians owe that man big time.

    I used to feel that DeSantis should be the 2024 candidate but now I believe Florida needs another four years of that wonderful man!

  3. I’m so old I remember 16 years ago when dozens of GOP lefties said, “I’m a proud Bush Republican!”!
    Charly was like #5 or #6 in that leftist group.
    Fitting indeed that a “Bush Republican” be against a conservative!


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