Biden’s Personal Aide Quitting – IOTW Report

Biden’s Personal Aide Quitting

UK Daily Mail

President Joe Biden‘s ‘bodyman,’ Stephen Goepfert, is set to leave the White House  at the end of the week. 

CNN reported Tuesday that Goepfert will depart the West Wing for a position in the Transportation Department. 

Goepfert, who was the first out gay man to hold the role of personal aide to a president, has worked for Biden as a ‘bodyman’ since his 2020 presidential campaign, and before that, in the Obama White House. More

18 Comments on Biden’s Personal Aide Quitting

  1. “Goepfert, who was the first out gay man to hold the role of personal aide to a president.”

    What about Reggie Love? Definitely Gay, but I guess he wasn’t t formally “out”.

  2. “Goepfert will depart the West Wing for a position in the Transportation Department.”

    Watch out, Chasten. The first out gay bodyman will be working under your husband. And I do mean “under”. Better make sure your monkeypox jab is current. Sounds like Petey’s got a club going at Transpo.

  3. He probably just got tired of being Joe’s go-to guy for pudding cups and ice cream cones… and, of course, emergency head calls and wardrobe changes with all of the President’s standard paraphernalia his “emergency bag.” Woe betide the aide that loses THAT puppy!

  4. “You get to play a lame-brained, reckless, feckless, blustering, bragging, stumbling, bumbling, loathsome, amoral, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, mendacious, greedy, venal, obnoxious, filthy, horrible, vile, vulgar, demented, hypocritical, angry dope!”

    That fag musta pissed off somebody important with his chipped tooth…

  5. It could be that his handler can no longer handle a man who is senile and probably needs a different type of handler who is more qualified to work with demented people like Pedo Peter. Seems like he’s leaving really quickly.


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