WATCH: Dan Bongino CONFESSION – “Greatest Regret Of My Life…” – IOTW Report

WATCH: Dan Bongino CONFESSION – “Greatest Regret Of My Life…”

Talk radio show host Dan Bongino confessed on Monday that “the greatest regret” of his life was his decision to get COVID vaccinated.

“It was the biggest mistake of my life,” Bongino said on his Monday broadcast. “I just should have waited.”

26 Comments on WATCH: Dan Bongino CONFESSION – “Greatest Regret Of My Life…”

  1. The very second they went from simply offering their injections and participated in the coercion of even a single individual every bit of protection from liability evaporated. Anyone, and I mean anyone who had anything to do with coercion is liable for what they have assumed the risk of.

  2. I have seen quite a few people regret having got an injection of an experimental drug but I don’t know any unvaxxed people that regret not having gotten a jab.

    Didn’t Dan have cancer? Was it after he got the injection?

    There are still millions convinced that this crap saved millions of lives and they feel great. There is literally nothing you can tell or show them that will change their minds.

  3. I gave them 15 days to slow the curve.
    Everything after that I stopped giving. In my circle I was pretty much on my own. Most of my family, friends and co-workers fell for the bullshit. I truly hope nothing bad comes from this as so far nobody appears to be accountable or held as such.

  4. I’m sorry he took the shot. I am sorry my brother did also. He is a good man for having the courage to acknowledge this grave error. My brother won’t even talk about it (head in the sand).

    When it went from ‘voluntary’ to coercion with no liability….a light bulb should have gone off.

  5. @ Different Tim AUGUST 24, 2022 AT 1:36 PM

    I was totally wrong when I said that by April Fools Day 2020 everyone will tell them to shove it. As for me, in May I had had enough, and then some. I packed up the kids and took them to Silverwood, since they couldn’t have any fun in Washington State. It was the best, no lines and enough other kids to make it really fun.

  6. Millions felt compelled to take the “experimental” injection.
    The Government, CDC, media, medical community and the Pharmaceutical industry played the “fear” card repeatedly for month, after month. Then businesses, Hospitals and Government Agencies mandated the injection. Other coercive incentives were also used, gift cards, lottery tickets, money, etc.
    The propaganda was overwhelming.

    I read what others refused to read. I was the fool who believed the “Conspiracy theory” of side effects, damage to the immune system, heart damage and death based upon reputable medical professionals who knew the facts.

    Like so many of the so called “conspiracy theories” the truth and the scientific data gathered from the “experimental” injection has been revealed. Lives have changed by the side effects up to and including death. This has destroyed families and the credibility of Government, Media, medical communities and most certainly the Pharmaceutical Industries where many $Billionaires were made.

    I gain no pleasure of not being a lab rat or not falling to fear.
    Many in my family and friends have paid a heavy price for not heeding the advice and information I shared with them.

    Just one more conspiracy theory debunked, as the truth trickles out from those to manufactured and mandated this ruse.

    But the democrat stratagem and repeated lies of the media, broke the focus of Americans away from the corrupt election that ushered in a defective and demented Commander in Chief. We will continue to pay the price of lost freedoms, lost businesses, lost salaries, lost savings and the pain of lost family members. All because of the the Democrats need to distract Citizens focus from a stolen election.

    While those who benefitted from this ruse have become $Billionaires and ushered in a Socialists/Communist regime with Biden playing the role as an incompetent puppet.

    Will the conspirators be investigated by a corrupt FBI or DOJ, will there be legal ramifications? I sincerely doubt it.
    The damage has been done, repairing the US economy and stature will take years,if at all.

  7. I used the Zelenko Protocol to boost my immunity……

    1. hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, quercertin (no script), or EGCg (green tea extract/no script)…..
    2. zinc
    3. Vitamin C
    4. Vitamin D

    Never got Covid1984 or a cold…..I’ve read that it will get you over “Long Covid” and the vaxx bad side effects… flushing the spike proteins out of your body.

    Good luck.

  8. I got Shot twice.
    Certain Customers who I had contracts with insisted on it.
    I knew I didn’t need it for Health Reasons, But I needed it for Contractual reasons.

    Got checked this spring BEFORE I started my Mountain Bike riding season and The Doctor READ THE WRONG CHART & TOLD ME I HAD SEVERE DIABETES.

    He called back minutes later and admitted the error. (Out of REAL PRACTICE JACKASS since everything has been COOF for 2 years)

    End result, no more shots period.

    The primary result was Lethargy for about 3 months until I started riding again in March. Now I Turned in my 2 fastest laps times in August ever but it took much longer to get there than normal.

    I blame the Shots Completely.

  9. Caring for an elderly parent I was pressured by siblings and others to get the jab. Got it in early 2020 and haven’t been the same since. Irregular heartbeat, fatigue, weakness and other symptoms have stayed with me and I’ve been sick three times only once testing positive for Covid but having all the symptoms each time. I’m wondering how many years it will take off my life. Upside, I’ve been trying to get things in order for my family in case I drop suddenly. De cluttering, estate planning.

  10. “Well Danno boy, looks like your a sheeple.”

    I got the original two also for the same reason he did. Chemo. I guess I’m sheeple too.

    I’m not crying about it though. And currently I’m in much better shape than you are.

  11. This is how they get rid of the rest of us. We didn’t take the shot for whatever reason. We watched the coercion, we watched the side effects and we became persuaded that taking any shot at all is really now reckless. Is that really a tetanus shot or are you fucking with me? How can I prove you aren’t sticking that MRNA poison in me? Can’t. So, no more shots for me.

    Then they release the virus that kills, one they have a functional vaccine for, and viola, all of we who declined the shots for covid decline the shots for the next one and this time we croak from the virus.

  12. I’m just happy I didn’t take that mRNA shit. The J&J was the only safe choice, and even that was only for men. That’s why they banned it. The feds are trying to kill people – with plausible deniability – now. It’s as simple as that.

  13. Walter Johnson may be on to something. It’s not far fetched. A Deep State plan to make the unvaxed paranoid and vulnerable to diseases, because fear of the Covid death jab substituted for legitimate vaccines is very possible – thought of this myself.
    BTW, Lost confidence in the medical “healthcare” system a while back when they started rationing penicillin and other infection fighting drugs. Got a 6 day prescription for a sinus infection instead of 10 days. Didn’t work as well. Ibuprofen got me through until I felt better. Relying on God to guide me about my healthcare decisions – prayer works.


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