“Presentism,” One of Zinn’s Sins – IOTW Report

“Presentism,” One of Zinn’s Sins

The Federalist

Indeed, truth has become malleable. It’s essentially what James H. Sweet, Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a specialist in African history and the Atlantic slave trade, wrote in his Aug. 17 column, “Is History History?” on the American Historical Association website, of which he is also president.

The essay weighed in on the problem of “presentism,” which he describes as evidenced today in reading “the past through the prism of contemporary social justice issues—race, gender, sexuality, nationalism, capitalism,” as well as historical focus on recent time periods. More

9 Comments on “Presentism,” One of Zinn’s Sins

  1. The ones who should appreciate and preserve history are doing the opposite.

    I hope one sane historian is able to capture and chronicle the stupid that’s happened in the years 2020+. No flying cars- but lotsa dummies, stolen elections, word police, mandated vax and gaggles of rainbow haired girls/boys who think they are boys/girls. Oof. 🫤

  2. By the sounds of the article Sweet knows history is being distorted so it can be used as a political tool and he almost grew a spine.
    There is still a slave trade in Africa.
    That continent seems cursed.
    Interesting that a lot of the countries in it have a very long history of denying God and Jesus and of trying to destroy God’s people.

  3. Truth isn’t malleable.
    Truth is Truth – Lies are Lies – and Facts are Facts.

    A Lie doesn’t become “Truth” [Factual] just because it’s promoted by a “distinguished” group of Liars and accepted by a bunch of drooling morons – it’s still a LIE.

    It will never be anything other than falsehood – regardless of how much the liars attempt to promote it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. FDR in Hell, how are Howard Zinn’s mandatory defamatory bs history classes doing down in the underworld? Howard Zinn was full of shit when he was alive and deserves to have been adopted by the father of lies. Roast in eternal agony Howard for destroying the teaching of the truth about American history.


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