Serious , But Unprovable, Charges Leveled at George Foreman – IOTW Report

Serious , But Unprovable, Charges Leveled at George Foreman

Hollywood Reporter-

Los Angeles County resident Denise S. said she met Foreman when she was 8 years old and was groomed by the boxer over several years.

“When Plaintiff was 13 years old, Doe called Plaintiff at her home in Hayward, California and asked Plaintiff if she knew how to masturbate,” states the complaint. “During the call, Doe gave plaintiff instructions on how to masturbate herself.”

Foreman raped her several times in 1976, according to the suit. On one occasion, he allegedly assaulted her while staying at a San Francisco hotel.

In a separate complaint, Nevada resident Gwen H. said Foreman invited her to his apartment when she was 15 years old after meeting him years earlier in Philadelphia. She claimed he threatened to fire her father, who was a longtime advisor to the boxer.

“DOE threatened that if she didn’t comply, her dad would lose his job,” the complaint states. “DOE then instructed Plaintiff to remove her clothes. Feeling the duress and coercion of this threat, Plaintiff complied with DOE’s commands.”

Foreman raped her several times until she was 16 years old, according to the suit.

Both of the women said they told an unnamed friend and business associate of Foreman about being assaulted by the boxer. They were told that he was aware of at least one other victim whom Foreman sexually abused when she was a minor, the lawsuit said.


19 Comments on Serious , But Unprovable, Charges Leveled at George Foreman

  1. Ain’t buying it. Never heard anything like before about George. And it happened 50 years ago and she’s now just coming forward?

    Sounds just like that crunt Ford’s BS.

  2. I love (Hate) how they wait until the person they accuse is much older and easier to trip up in civil & criminal court.
    In this case, Decades after the alleged incident, when age & boxing damage have taken their toll.

    Dear accuser, “What did you have for lunch on March the 15th in 1984, and what day of the week was that?”

  3. WHo did George piss off by making conservative statements or having conservative (off the DildoCratic LibTard plantation) opinions, thoughts, and ideas?
    Sounds like a well worn repeat of what was done to Bill Cosby.
    And Herman Cain (presidential candidate 2012).
    Ditto PDJT (“grabbed me by the pussy”) – except PDJT was able to disprove the accusations.
    As soon as (fill in the blank on your own for people of a darker melanin skin content) start thinking for themselves, and encouraging others to think off the plantation as well, strange women just seem to come out of the woodwork making strange sexual accusations. Encouraged by LibTard DildoCrats.
    Maybe George did it? Most likely George didn’t.
    Fifty years after the fact (if it is factual), well past any statutes of limitations. Any pics? Any proof?
    Anyone else these bints told “back in the day” that can verify?
    No proof or prior verification? The STFU, take the money, and fade back into the swamp you appeared from.
    It would be interesting to probe the finances of these bints and see if there were any sudden large deposits to their bank accounts (assuming that they even had a bank account of any sizable amount before this).
    They should all be rounded up and put on trial for libel and slander – then see who comes to their aid and defense. Follow the money, power and influence, eh?
    At minimum, they should be doxxed, so good people know who to avoid in any future transactions. Hey, not such a big deal, they’re the ones that “came out” and make themselves pub(l)ic figures.

  4. I ran into a couple of his old sparring pardners at a clinic they were putting on. Probably 15 years or so ago. Foreman was always one of my favorite boxers so after the event I asked them how it was working with him and they had nothing but praise for the man. I remember one of them remarking that he found it interesting that Foreman could be such a nice guy outside the ring and hit you so damn hard in the ring.

  5. Yeah, I don’t know anything about George Forman, except I do own one of his grills and I really like it. Didn’t he also name all his sons George? There have been people who have been married to someone for decades and not know they had a second wife and kids, or that they were a serial killer, or they were on the lam from the law, so who knows about George. But it is suspicious when women come forward so many decades later to accuse someone of rape.

  6. He probably just sent a substantial contribution to the possible Trump reelection campaign for 2024 or it may be because he’s a high profile liberal who likes President Trump. Anything the left can grab onto or make up to persecute wealthy Trump supporters.

  7. A couple of weeks ago, I found a brand new George Foreman Grill in the unopened box at my parent’s home. I may have given it to them back in the day. I’m going to give that thing a try, soon. I’m having a half a beef butchered next week.

  8. Those so-called victims must be old broke-down hags by now 50 years later, looking for a big pay-out in Joe Biden’s inflation-recession. I don’t buy any of it, unless Joe Biden was accused as the rapist.

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