WATCH: Bill Clinton AFFAIR Bombshell – Hillary Steps Forward! – IOTW Report

WATCH: Bill Clinton AFFAIR Bombshell – Hillary Steps Forward!

Hillary Clinton is using her brand-new television program to tell people all over again about the disgusting “affair” Bill Clinton had while he was president.

Yes, Hillary, we remember. We all felt then what you are trying to cast now as some sort of epiphany or revelation.

Hillary implied some form of regret for sticking with Bill, claiming it’s not “appropriate for everybody” to stay with a spouse who’s had an affair.

Well, it is appropriate, if not necessary, when you’re an ambitious monster who uses your unfaithful husband to climb the ladder of power.

For Hillary, the embarrassment was worth it. Now she wants to “get on the couch,” so to speak, with America as she pretends she was a victim rather than a predator herself. Perhaps it’s because she’s been essentially humiliated since the initial humiliation, her ambitions never realized.

Barack Obama won the Democratic primary when she ran. In her second bid for the presidency, political novice and former TV reality show host Donald Trump destroyed her.

Hillary Clinton will be regarded as a dreamer who fell short of her goals. When Clinton was questioned by a journalist about her candor with the American people she said, “I always tried my best. Always. Always.” Other, less cautious politicians may have responded “yes” definitely. However, due to her training in law, Clinton is careful with her language to prevent being “misunderstood.” But we understand all too well. She is cold, calculating, and detestable.

Due to her deceit, the Democratic party was historically denied the White House. She was figuratively measuring the drapes for her Oval Office renovation. Another major humiliation.

By viewing this maudlin television program, are we truly interested in providing her with the rehabilitation she requires?

While she frolics about with her daughter Chelsea, Bill is conspicuously absent. It only serves to punctuate that she would have preferred to live her life without the philanderer, but she needed him at the time to get ahead.

That’s what Bill was doing—getting “ahead.”

35 Comments on WATCH: Bill Clinton AFFAIR Bombshell – Hillary Steps Forward!

  1. Rebranding a vicious, backstabbing Political hack who destroyed many families and hurt America.
    You go bitch, no I really mean get the hell out of the public eye.
    We know your history.

  2. Good lord, this woman is a vicious pedophile who has raped and murdered children. Cathy O’Brien talks about how Hillary raped her when Cathy was a kid and in the MK Ultra program. Hillary is more depraved than Bill if that is possible.

  3. She knew if she dumped Bill she would be dumping any and all chances of becoming the first woman POTUS. She is still hanging onto that dream and Bill in that order.
    Thanks again Donald Trump!

  4. Watching just about 30 seconds of that and I can feel my gag reflex jumping into action.
    Oh, we’re so oppressed because we’re women….muslim….black….gat….blah, blah, blah.
    Another series that will fall flat.

  5. Don’t allege that poor, dead (murdered) Hubbell screwed that repellent hunk of crap, as she is totally indebted to James Carville for Chelsea’s ugly looks! Only a worm like Carville could/would stick dick in that putrid pile of rancid garbage!

  6. If it weren’t for Bubba being head of the Trailerparkansas Mafia, then President, then Whitewater
, then the sale of high-tech secrets to China, then steeling all those FBI files, looting the White House aaannnd lots and lots of dirty money after that, this bitch woulda been loong gone! Hillary is simply and directly the the criminal business partner to a self-centered, influence pedaling, finger wagging liar, double-dealing, four-flushing, hornswaggling horndog sleaze-bag who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll who dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse! by bringing the term “Blow Job” into the kitchen above the fold in the morning headlines!

  7. evil witch
    is this hamrod getting out in front of another right wing conspiracy trying to play victim before the truth becomes public knowledge?

    remember when she went on the today the morning after Bill said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” and just hours before the President’s State of the Union speech that evening

    linda tripp saved lewinskys life, she would’ve been arkansided if not for that blue dress

  8. Exhibit A for what unbridled conceit, arrogance, greed, deceit, and rage can do to a person. No thank you.

    (I thought I was having a psychedelic trip and seeing flashbacks to the Phil Donahue show with co-host Oprah Winfrey, circa 1987. Talk about hashed and re-hashed. From looking at that clip you’d think women still didn’t have the vote and were still shut out of boardrooms and universities. I’m VERY doubtful Hillary RODHAM-Clinton cares at all about any of the women they showcase. How white of her to be their “voice”.)

  9. …I think I’d rather see her and her daughter in the series “Alone”. I wonder how long they’d last. It would be funny to see what kinds of cheating they do to win.

  10. Hellary plays the victim card. She’s never been a victim. The American people and the rest of the world have been victimized by Hellary and her pervert husband, Bill.

  11. The Clinton gargoyle is nothing more than a sinister has-been washed-up lowlife who has absolutely nothing going for her except her money to wallow in like a pig laying in mud. No friends, no neighbors who like her, no coffee clubs with decent people…nothing. Only her dolla bills and ugly flabby cankled self to keep her company. She will one Day see her due.

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