Is the Gavin McInnes Visit From Law Enforcement During Broadcast a Hoax? – IOTW Report

Is the Gavin McInnes Visit From Law Enforcement During Broadcast a Hoax?

I’m torn. I’d be kind of upset if this is a prank he is pulling, and upset if it isn’t.

This was the night prior. Was he just setting up the elaborate hoax?

Gavin’s sidekick tweeted this –

And then there’s this–>

If the FBI did raid McInnes, it is another display of the weaponization of the DOJ.

Hope it’s a hoax. But, like I said, this would be an ill-timed hoax on Gavin’s part.

ht/ mojo. AKA: Kate

7 Comments on Is the Gavin McInnes Visit From Law Enforcement During Broadcast a Hoax?

  1. Gateway Pundit had this story leading, now it’s gone. Weird. But I do know that the propaganda psyops people like to mix in outlandish stuff with the true stuff to discredit the truth by association, so…

  2. Thirdtwin

    It’s still there. Last I heard Gavin divorced himself from the Proud Children long ago. Not sure why he would be talking to them. If this is a hoax, Gavin deserves to get his ass kicked.


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