DeSantis Puts Some Money Back Into the Pockets of Some Drivers – IOTW Report

DeSantis Puts Some Money Back Into the Pockets of Some Drivers

This is a creative way to help some drivers with soaring gas prices. It’s not much, but it’s something. At least DeSantis is thinking of ways to get some money back to Floridians, rather than thinking of ways to gouge them more.

Toll relief coming to SunPass customers who take Florida’s Turnpike, Interstate 95


Drivers who pay a lot of tolls in Florida will soon see some savings, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday.

Speaking in Orlando, the governor announced the creation of the SunPass Savings Program, which will start on Sept. 1 and is designed to save Florida drivers tens of millions of dollars.

“This will end up returning nearly $40 million to SunPass customers over this six-month period,” DeSantis said.

The toll relief package will provide discounts to Floridians who use SunPass and other Florida transponders on Florida Department of Transportation and Turnpike toll facilities for their daily commute.

Customers who pay at least 40 tolls a month will get a 20% credit on their SunPass account every month. Customers with 80 or more tolls a month will get a 25% monthly credit.

“This is small but important savings,” DeSantis said. “This adds up to give people some breathing room, because the inflation is costing people thousands of dollars a year. So if we can do some relief here and there, then we’re providing some support for folks.”


5 Comments on DeSantis Puts Some Money Back Into the Pockets of Some Drivers

  1. And if PDJT was in the Oval Office, this would never have been necessary in the first place.

  2. Sadly, this gesture will be evaluated strictly along party lines.

    There are 8 toll bridges that connect various parts of the Bay Area and every 2 years the tolls get raised a dollar, now 6 bucks a car. Most residents cross one bridge (round trip) a day, sometimes 2, and a gesture like this implemented here would save most folks at least a hundred bucks a month.

    But Newsom ain’t DeSantis, so we go on paying full-bore. One of the biggest cons perpetrated by any government is the one where Californians are told our state is so special that you should not squawk about the high cost of living.

  3. Try driving across Pennsylvania…and back. Tolls are a whopper there and it’s all done by camera and mail. It’s so bad that the next time I go to York, PA I’m taking the back roads!! Well worth the savings of 120.00 dollars and I might even see some nice towns as a result.


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