Biden Can Barely Make It to the Limo Now – IOTW Report

Biden Can Barely Make It to the Limo Now

Wayne Dupree

Joe was actually walking by himself today, and people couldn’t help but notice how much worse his walk — or “shuffle” has gotten. The “gait,” or manner of his walk is becoming more and more cumbersome and awkward. There’s a stiffness and insecurity and hesitation that was there before, but not as bad as it is now. More

21 Comments on Biden Can Barely Make It to the Limo Now

  1. After the mid-terms become reality, the Democrats will need to engage in an exit strategy for pedo. They have two years to either re-re-re-package Hillary to run against Cacklin’ Kamala, or they can fire up the WOKE alphabet people by giving Big Mike a penis tuck and throw himher in a cage match with Kamala.

  2. “Foolish Old Man”, the insult levelled at Neville Chamberlain after he made his “deal” with Hitler, is appropriate now for Joe Biden, and has been since his party stole the election.

  3. mickey moussaoui
    AUGUST 27, 2022 AT 9:50 PM
    “After the mid-terms become reality, the Democrats will need to engage in an exit strategy for pedo.”

    …or, they give Cackles a choice between an SC appointment or suicide to leave, then appoint Gavin Newsome as VP. Pedo is then mudered by a MAGA hat wearing FBI agent who either conveniently escapes or is killed, and the appointed President Pelosi’s Nephew suspends Habeus Corpus and elections during the same press conference even as multiple Federal agencies spread out to confiscate guns to protect Muh Democrcai. Many are killed, but they are just cannon fodder as millions of illegals are armed and dispatched, and patriots are leaderless, scattered and without coordination and do not have enough bullets for them all, and soon fail or run. China congratulates President Gavin and their offer of troops to help hunt down “Insurrectionists” is accepted. The Chinese then dispatch millions from their bases in British Columbia and Mare Island, and the U.S. is history.

  4. He’s not the first president to lie about his chronic health problems and for his lies to be covered up by the press and the pols in D.C.

    Democrat W. Wilson — “In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a severe stroke that left him incapacitated until the end of his presidency in 1921, an event that became one of the great crises in presidential succession. However, historian Edwin A. Weinstein notes that Wilson had a history of cerebrovascular disorders going back to 1896, sixteen years before his was elected president.

    Democrat F.D. Roosevelt — “There was a whispering campaign that Roosevelt was not physically fit for the presidency and the Roosevelt team responded with an article in Liberty magazine, which included details from an examination by a team of doctors declaring Roosevelt’s health, was up to the challenge. However, Crispell and Gomez note that this report contained worries for the future. The public had concentrated on the polio, but Roosevelt also showed signs even then of hypertension.” (Same website)

    Democrat J.F. Kennedy — “At age 43, John F. Kennedy was the youngest president elected into U.S. office, and was portrayed as full of youth and vigor. But he was far from healthy, and spent most of his adult life struggling with many medical problems, including back pain that started during college and lasted until his death, according to a recent review article in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine.”

    I’m seeing a pattern here. – Dr. Tar

  5. …Neurosyphilis kicking up again, Pedo?

    “Symptoms usually affect the nervous system. Depending on the form of neurosyphilis, symptoms may include any of the following:

    Abnormal walk (gait), or unable to walk
    Numbness in the toes, feet, or legs
    Problems with thinking, such as confusion or poor concentration
    Mental problems, such as depression or irritability
    Headache, seizures, or stiff neck
    Loss of bladder control (incontinence)
    Tremors, or weakness
    Visual problems, even blindness”

  6. Aside from his gait, it also looks like he is wearing a back brace. Very rigid spine; something weird going on.

    And did you read some of the comments on Twitter? The contortions the libtards go thru to defend this shitbag are amazing.

  7. I don’t care if the corrupt old usurping pedophile falls on his thick noggin and fukkin dies.
    He’s a fukkin blight.

    And yes, the Media is the propaganda organ of National and Inter-National Socialism and has been since early in the 20th century – maybe before that.

    The New York Times was shilling for Joe Stalin in the 30s. “Our” Media chose to remain silent on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The Media was anti-National Socialism until they allied with the Soviet Union – then they became “neutral” until June 22, 1941. The Media have been lying fukkin hypocrites for (at least) over a century.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Eh… I wouldn’t read too much into it. Jackass Joe’s been a flaming asshole all his life! Now that he’s about to enter his 9th decade this planet he can no longer outrun his Assholism and it’s is finally caught up with him!

  9. I honestly believe that joey will be dead within a year, he’s already among the walking dead and acts like a zombie preying on all those who oppose him and his unconstitutional and anti-God policies. The democraps will try and make into a martyr, God forbid.

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