WATCH: Data TROVE Found – This Could’ve Saved Trump! – IOTW Report

WATCH: Data TROVE Found – This Could’ve Saved Trump!

It’s happening…

In a shocking new update on Fox News, Tucker Carlson reports that new information related to Hunter Biden’s laptop suggests that Joe Biden could’ve been stopped from becoming president in 2020.

Carlson reports that the FBI’s reported involvement with Facebook in covering up the Hunter Biden laptop was about protecting Biden against Donald Trump.

He says new statements from Mark Zuckerberg show that the Hunter Biden laptop could’ve stopped Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

It’s looking worse and worse by the day. There’s no telling how bad Joe Biden’s coverup really is. Only time will tell.

28 Comments on WATCH: Data TROVE Found – This Could’ve Saved Trump!

  1. Has anybody noticed the recent emergence of multiple FBI related television shows lately. Trying to manipulate the publics perception of them. Don’t fall for it.

  2. “In a shocking new update on Fox News”, give me a fucking break! Wow, breaking news! Everybody on the planet already now’s this. How in the hell do we get law enforcement involved? Against the bad guys, not against us.

  3. Reality check, “indicate him”. You’re right. As the best President ever. Best Foreign Policy. Best Domestic Policy. A true Patriot. To the Cowardly Anon that wrote this. Suck my 9 inch dick you fucking pussy.

  4. It seems a great deal of time and resources have been put forth to reduce the amount of spam bullshit on this great site, but I’ll never understand how these anonymouses continue to have such a constant presence.


    LOL. Ur woke ass doesn’t stand a chance. And if I showed you my 9 inch unit you’d be begging me to put it in your mouth. That’s the way Libtards role.

  6. “Hey Brad when you’re finally cut off from your fake gov programs have a great fuck off”

    “Have a great fuck off”?????

    Why I like to bait these idiots. Sooner or later the reveal they’re not from here. Nobody, NOBODY that lives in the USA would say that.
    Fuck off China man with the two inch dick. Hey, just multiply by 25.4 loser,

  7. Prediction, The CCP are currently reading this exchange and realize this pussy with the microscopic dick is getting his ass kicked. They’ll put a bullet in the back of his head tomorrow morning for being a loser. Glad I could help.

  8. It’s just like all the other times when ‘the walls were closing in’ and it was ‘the beginning of the end’ for Trump. No evidence, no charges, no indictment.

  9. In a shocking new update on Fox News, Tucker Carlson reports that new information related to Hunter Biden’s laptop suggests that Joe Biden could’ve been stopped from becoming president in 2020.

    The girls that run Fox let it on the air. So we already know why.

    But who, in Fox’s audience, is both dumb and stupid enough to believe it? For, even, an instant?

    The Donald (of the “Lock Her Up!” national anthem) wouldn’t allow the besmirchment of a fellow illionaire. That’s not how the deal is arted. The only reason Hillary (YES! That! Hillary!) was muddied up, was because she killed one of Julian Assange’s sources. And The Don’s been trying to have him whacked, ever since.

    It’s who The Don is.

  10. I like Tucker’s term: “Election justice protest of Jan 6”

    No this is not breaking news to those of us who are frequenting online news and research sites but to the average person who only watches tv news it is.
    The FBI is run by Obama & co.


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