Israeli PM Lapid unable to get Biden to discuss Iran deal – IOTW Report

Israeli PM Lapid unable to get Biden to discuss Iran deal

Just The News:

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid is reportedly unable to reach President Joe Biden to discuss the Iran nuclear deal, despite advances in talks with the Islamic Republic.

Lapid requested a meeting with Biden on Sept. 20, the same day the president is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly. However, this Israeli leader has been unable to speak to Biden on the phone, multiple sources told The Jerusalem Post. The White House first said Biden could not talk because of summer vacation, but the president returned to D.C. on Wednesday.

Iran, which has repeatedly called for “death to Israel” and is known in U.S. intelligence circles as the world’s “foremost state sponsor of terrorism,” would receive $100 billion a year under the proposed deal, Lapid said last week.

“On the table right now is a bad deal… This is $100 billion a year that will be used to undermine stability in the Middle East and spread terror around the globe,” Lapid told reporters, stressing that the funding will go toward strengthening Iran’s nuclear program and attacking U.S. military bases in the Middle East, as well as funding Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. more

18 Comments on Israeli PM Lapid unable to get Biden to discuss Iran deal

  1. Of course he will not take the call. He serves Satan, and any nation that stands against God’s chosen people.

    ValJar the Iranian is President, not this ass clown child molester.

    No way will that call ever be received. Israel will have to take the nukes out themselves because this anti-semite fuckhead has no clue what is going on.

  2. The FBI seems to be a high ranking political opponents terrorist group working for Joey and the democrats payed for by the American taxpayers. We need to fix that problem before it gets anymore out of hand than it is.

  3. The current state of the FBI is simply indicative of wholesale infiltration of communism into the Federal bureaucracy. Unelected, there for lifetime jobs with HR departments that screen out potential “problem” hires are not going to “get fixed” without the kind of bullshit they’re pulling on President Trump.

    What they’re doing to him is exactly what the reason is for the 1/6 Hearings. It’s a warning that oppo will be dealt with harshly.

  4. Hey Joe, while you’re ignoring Israel, what’s up in Iraq? There seems to be a bad situation developing involving the Presidential Palace and our embassy. Take your time, or even a lid, though. The media is ignoring it for you.

    But it’s not a good look this close to the midterms. That Sullivan boy and that Blinken fellow sure are pieces of work, aren’t they?

  5. Because, you know… Americans proudly boom that “their” government exists to serve Israel. How dare The President of The United States not jump when the Israeli Prime Minister rings? Just, how dare he!?

  6. Well Duhhhhhhhhh
    The country first to celebrate the stolen Demoncrat US election and welcome Biden the moron as president. What else would they do?
    Perhaps they should honor Biden with the Mengele-Hitler humanitarian award

  7. @Brad August 29, 2022 at 4:03 pm

    > Well how Nazi of you.

    Brad, how progressive of you.

    Look. If Boris Johnson was whispering to the British press that Joe Biden wouldn’t take his phone calls, would Americans care? (I wrote “care”, not “laugh”.) How about Justin Trudeau? Putin?

    But boomers gotta boom.

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