The Woke Eat Their Own in NY – IOTW Report

The Woke Eat Their Own in NY

The left-wing account manager for the anti-Independent Democratic Conference group has been canned for a tweet that other left-wingers called anti-Semitism.

I’m not defending the tweet, I’m just enjoying it. I see no anti-Semitism at all. The guy was mocking a candidate for being a trust-fund guy who has the spot-on name of GOLDman.

The other guy has DINO (Democrat in name only) in his name.

Where is the Jew hatred here?

Keep it up, dumbbells. You’re creating an atmosphere where no one is safe.

The Dickens reference clued people in that the names were not being “mocked” for being Jewish, but were for being too “on the nose.” (Wait, did I just make a Jew joke?)

From the Londonist-

  • Serjeant Buzfuz (Pickwick Papers — sounds like personal grooming product from Remington)
  • Master Bates (Oliver Twist — the character’s full name is Charley, but Dickens delights in calling him Master Bates)
  • Wackford Squeers (Nicholas Nickleby — a nasty school master, fond of whacking pupils)
  • Dick Swiveller (The Old Curiosity Shop — look out for the bit in chapter 7, where he ‘with difficulty ejaculated’)
  • Simon Tappertit (Barnaby Rudge — the titular character has a strange enough appellation, but Simon gets the nod for his slightly rude surname)
  • Charity Pecksniff (Martin Chuzzlewit — it should be noted that almost everyone in this novel has a silly name.)
  • Rev Melchisedech Howler (Dombey and Son — not the best of novels, and also a little fallow for peculiar names)
  • Uriah Heep (David Copperfield — a well-known character who gave his ridiculous name to a band)
  • Woolwich Bagnet (Bleak House — brother of Malta and Quebec, after their birthplaces)
  • Mr M’Choakumchild (Hard Times — the stupidest name in the whole of Dickens. He’s a school master, obviously)
  • Decimus Tite Barnacle (Little Dorrit — or we could have chosen Tudor Stiltstalking)
  • Jarvis Lorry (A Tale of Two Cities — one of the more sombre novels, where silly names are scarce)
  • Uncle Pumblechook (Great Expectations — a classic Dickensian mouthful)
  • Pleasant Riderhood (Our Mutual Friend — surely a future Bond girl)
  • Hiram Grewgious (Edwin Drood — not sure if it’s deliberate, but this weird name is an anagram of ‘Gregarious Whim’)

4 Comments on The Woke Eat Their Own in NY

  1. ^^^ TRF: And because they spent their college years studying Equitable Ebonics rather than reading any Dickens (or Chaucer or Shakespeare or Austen) and therefore miss the literary references.


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