Vegan Woman Sentenced To Life in Prison For Killing Her Kid With Veganism – IOTW Report

Vegan Woman Sentenced To Life in Prison For Killing Her Kid With Veganism


A vegan woman convicted of murder in the malnutrition death of her young son was sentenced Monday to life in prison.

Sheila O’Leary, 38, whose family followed a strict vegan diet, was convicted in June on six charges — first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse and two counts of child neglect — in the death of Ezra O’Leary. Her sentencing in Lee County, Florida, had previously been postponed four times.

Her husband, Ryan Patrick O’Leary, remains in jail while awaiting trial on the same charges. Investigators said the couple told them the family ate only raw fruits and vegetables, although the toddler also was fed breast milk. The 18-month-old boy weighed 17 pounds (8 kilograms) and was the size of a 7-month-old baby when he died in September 2019, a police report said.

The Cape Coral couple had two other children, ages 3 and 5, who also were malnourished, investigators said. A fourth child had been returned to her biological father during an earlier malnutrition case in Virginia, court records show.


19 Comments on Vegan Woman Sentenced To Life in Prison For Killing Her Kid With Veganism

  1. I just can’t understand how a mother could do something so awful. A lot of bad people do awful things but things I can get my head around, but not this time.

    Maybe her warden could put her to work in the kitchen cooking hot dogs and hamburgers.

    For some reason this question just popped into my head: is eating shit compatible with a vegan diet?

  2. “A fourth child had been returned to her biological father during an earlier malnutrition case in Virginia, court records show.”
    Earlier malnutrition case?????
    Why wasn’t this family being monitored to ensure it didn’t happen again?

  3. Cruelty to animals and cruelty to kids are at the top of my list of the most despicable heinous acts a person can perpetrate. This is heartbreaking.

    You can bet if she lived in a blue state her demise would look alot different.

  4. “Why wasn’t this family being monitored to ensure it didn’t happen again?”

    Because CPS is not into protecting kids. They are the largest child trafficking ring in the US.

  5. I read more detail about this today. I’m with Rich Taylor — cruelty to animals and children is beyond despicable.

    I don’t think the woman killed her child (and attempted to kill ALL her children) because she’s vegan. I think that was the best her defense could come up with. The kids were not only starved, but dehydrated and their teeth were rotting. Those aren’t necessarily caused by veganism. I believe she’s a psycho (both of them, really). And when I think of all the lovely people who want children who are unable. This is one big question about God’s mercy that I haven’t yet found a satisfying answer for.

  6. This is liberalism brought to the forefront.

    They are brain dead, mind-numbed, inconsiderate assholes of the highest kind.

    They have been propagandized to the highest level, even to the point
    where their own children are relegated to the least important level of society.

    They make zombies look like scholars.

  7. My father told the story of a woman, and I’m not sure of when but it was at least as far back as the 60s, who fed her children only carrots in all its forms. Tha father would sneak them candy bars and other snacks. They had so much carotene in their systems, they were turning orange. I seem to remember the father took them away but it was a long time ago. Vegan crazy isn’t new.

  8. My Heaven’s, I agree with this particular Anonymous. Hanging with IOTW can get you red pilled in a hurry. Exception would be Fucktard Son of Fuckface. He takes a dozen blue pills as suppositories daily.

    Demonrats love stuffing their own asses.


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