Don’t Let the Old Man In – IOTW Report

Don’t Let the Old Man In

Ht/ Doc

There is a story behind why Toby Keith wrote this song-

9 Comments on Don’t Let the Old Man In

  1. Wow, thanks, I am turning 70 next March 4th and I may be getting older but I’m still young in spirit and don’t really feel like I’ve become an old guy yet. I still should have lots of time left hopefully and prayerfully, my dad and his next oldest brother were both in their late 80’s when they passed away, my mom was almost 93 and my dad’s oldest brother was 99 and a half when he died in 2018 (He was born in Sept. 1918, two months before World War 1 ended and lived till March 2018, still actively living until his last couple of months or so). I don’t consider myself to be an old guy yet even though the physical ailments have started creeping up on me lately. I want to be around long enough to see my 5 young grandchildren all under the age of 6 grow up and become productive adults and see my 3 children also age gracefully as they raise their kids. I joined the Navy on Aug. 31,1972, 50 years ago when I was 19, the world has changed considerably since then, but I still have hope for the future of America because of all the grace that I’ve seen and experienced over the past 50 years and I still believe that our best years as Americans lie ahead of us despite the dummy in the White House, the democraps, the so called deep state and the aiding and abetting by gutless, weenie RINO’s. Hang in there all you old folks at IOTWR, “We’re all in this together”, like Red Green used to say. May God bless all of us who are getting older and help us to leave a good legacy behind for our children and grandchildren like my parents and grandparents and others left for me and my family.


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