Biden, Who Can Hardly Walk Forward, Walks His Comments Backward – IOTW Report

Biden, Who Can Hardly Walk Forward, Walks His Comments Backward

The Abject-Moron-In-Chief is trying to extricate himself from the divisive words in his FASCIST SPEECH, but he isn’t capable of extricating himself from a pajama top, so it is not going well.


President Biden on Friday sought to clarify the withering criticism he leveled against “MAGA Republicans” and former President Trump in a prime-time speech Thursday. Over and over in his speech, Biden referred to them as “extremists,” which prompted Steve Doocy of Fox News to ask him Friday if he considered all Trump supporters to be a threat to the country. The answer was no:

  • Biden: “You keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporters a threat to the country,” Biden said. “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, refuses to acknowledge an election … changing the way you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”
  • Elaborating: “People voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the Capitol,” he said, per the Hill. “They weren’t voting for overruling an election. They were voting for a philosophy he put forward.”
  • Criticism: Republicans have been hammering Biden since the speech, notes the Hill. A typical assessment came from GOP Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee, who called it “the most divisive speech in American history from an American president” in a tweet. He also referred to Biden as “Divider-in-Chief.”


a ba aba aba ya stuttering prick.

18 Comments on Biden, Who Can Hardly Walk Forward, Walks His Comments Backward

  1. This is like fucking kindergarten. No The Asshole In charge Legitimized killing MAGA people by his people. I’m so tired of this weak shit. Joey wants blood right? I mean we’re certainly outnumber by the 87 mil that voted for him right? Right? Fuck you Joe, just like you fucked your daughter in the shower. There’s a bunch of us out here that are good to go. Bring your F 15s. They’ll drop their shit on you, you dumb ass.

  2. I honestly don’t know how much this idiot even knows. I think they have to pump him full of drugs for him to even speak.
    However, the people behind have had him threaten us before this Satanic speech threatening us.
    His twitter account has been full of threats.

    We need these people to come out of the shadows and show their face, Obama and the thing he’s married to, Rice, Jarrett, Soros.

    You don’t threaten us and then say, just kidding. We know they aren’t kidding.

  3. The moron-in-chief is in serious trouble for not only has he taken on the American people and all those who didn’t vote for him but more importantly he has declared war on God and God will not be mocked. Joey will either be humbled beyond measure by God’s grace or more than likely destroyed by his own arrogance and hubris, it’s his choice and I believe that he will not make the right choice which will ultimately lead to chaos and destruction of this evil man but also a lot of collateral damage to the American people for his evil actions against God and the American people. I don’t even know how to pray for him anymore since he has crossed over the boundaries between good and evil and has willingly chosen to take on God as to who is the Master. I pray that God will give him one last chance to repent and come clean before he destroys America and all the people who oppose him. It ain’t gonna be pretty but this knucklehead has thrown down the gauntlet and challenged God for control of America and it will not end well for him or for us. God has humbled world leaders before both in biblical and modern times, let’s hope that God’s mercy and grace is greater than his wrath on this evil man.

  4. “refuses to acknowledge an election … changing the way you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”–

    You mean like what happened when Clinton lost? Would that include AOC, who calls for abolishing the Electoral College? Or any number of democrats that have called for packing the Supreme Court? Are those all threats to democracy?

  5. Adolph Pedo McMoloch could never distinguish between his ass and elbow. He has always been an individual of low character. He is a deeply stupid and shallow man who disguises his deep seated insecurities with abrasive arrogance.

    He is a weak coward, and like all cowards is a bully whose bragadociius mouth writes checks his body can’t cash. His well crafted display of Satanism has backfired spectacularly.

    “Dark Brandon” is so menacing he had to be escorted directly to and from the podium by his wet nurse wife. Have you ever witnessed a First Lady leading a President around by the hand like this?

    The imbecilic fucktard doesn’t remember a thing he said the night before. Thank God for Peter Doocy, the only legitimate journalist that confronts the feeble pederast.

    Adolph Pedo McShitstainonAmerica is just a teleprompter President. All the Moloch was ValJar. She approves everything down to using the Marine Props in their weird nonmilitary stance..

  6. Him invalidating every single teleprompter sentence from the night before is just vintage Adolph Pedo McDipshit. That’s why they keep the leash so tight.

    Valjar just destroyed all the crockery at the actual WH, the Kenyan Queer doesn’t even live there anymore. Her screams at Rice and Klain shattered windows across DC.

  7. Nothing was ‘accidental’. Joe Biden the pro race-cleanser made it his hell-bound business to incite violence and division against All peoples in the US. It’s the main reason why he had that sinister violence-producing background installed as a psyop promotion being urged to domestic terrorists whom he employs. The stupid bumbler really thinks his sinister speech against all Americans wasn’t filmed and documented. a-hole extraordinaire that he is and always was.

  8. “The night is black without a moon
    The air is thick and still
    The vigilantes gather on
    The lonely torchlit hill
    Features distorted in the flickering light
    Faces are twisted and grotesque
    Silent and stern in the sweltering night
    The mob moves like demons possessed
    Quiet in conscience, calm in their right
    Confident their ways are best
    The righteous rise with burning eyes
    Of hatred and ill will
    Madmen fed on fear and lies
    To beat and burn and kill”
    -Rush, “Witch Hunt”

  9. “Trump and Trump supporters are a threat to our democracy!!!”

    – FJB

    “I don’t think Trump voters are a threat to our democracy.”

    – FJB the next day.

    Apparently, by FJB logic, Trump supporters don’t vote for Trump.

  10. The speech will have its intended effect. Anytime the left goes out loud with a more radical thought, it is at first walked backed or denied. Then some defend it, more take it up openly, and then it becomes mainstream leftist thought.


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