California is Seeking $22 an Hour For Burger Flipping – IOTW Report

California is Seeking $22 an Hour For Burger Flipping

They are all replaceable by robots.


38 Comments on California is Seeking $22 an Hour For Burger Flipping

  1. 4 burger flippers 88 bucks an hour 100 bucks an hour with associated business costs. Maximum productivity 70%. Robot who never sleeps, gets sick or injured, never absent, never sues you, no worker comp or other insurance costs, no vacation pay. Never spits in your drink. Does not get beaten by Sheboon with flying dreds. Productivity 100%. Cost 100 per hour. Hmmmmm.

  2. $22. per hour for burgers made out of insects.
    The creatures taking your order expects you to address them by their personal pronouns, and they still spit on your food.
    California is so fucking progressive and cool.

  3. When will the riots start amongst the feral’s in the inner cities when they can no longer afford to eat at McBozo’s or any other fast-food joint? Dick’s hamburgers in Downtown Spokane used to have the best and cheapest burgers in town, I could feed my family for 10 to 12 dollars, no longer they’ve doubled in price and are closed on Sundays and Mondays now because they can’t hire enough staff to keep it open 7 days a week anymore. I honestly think that they will be driven out of business in the next few years because of this and they’ve been selling burgers since the late 50’s and early 60’s. This whole bs with a constant raising of the minimum wage sucks.

  4. “There’s a bill on Gavin Newsom’s desk that could change the lives of 550K fast food workers”

    …it will certainly do THAT. Short term, they will fire most, doubling and tripling the workload of those who remain. Long term, most of theses companies WILL seek some form of automation. This is a complex and fairly custom proposal however and VERY expensive on the front end, especially the engineering, and automation companies will be setting the terms as there are few who can do it and even less that do it WELL. Also, thanks to the Democrats, there is a VERY long lead time on automation components, so if you ask for a quote TODAY you’ll get one in a couple months, and on acceptance your about a year or more out at actually getting something implemented.

    “..and alter the course of U.S. labor policy.”

    Yep. Fewer workers, more demand on them, and robots replacing them as fast as possible. Also fewer restaurants for them to work on, inflation will make their raise worthless, and workers will actually be in WORSE shape than they are now.

    …but as far as automation goes, theres more to it than you think.

    You don’t have to pay robots, but you DO have to pay guys to work ON robots.

    And that ain’t cheap. I work on robots, and it pays very well. Also, again, parts are QUITE an issue today, and THAT isn’t going to get any better.

    Also, you don’t just buy a robot. Robots are typically made generically by a robot OEM like Fanuc or Motoman, then customized into a special application cell by an integrator. The thing has a footprint you can’t move, has to be protected from environmental hazards and idiot workers have to be protected from it, someone has to load and operate it and get the finished product from it, someone has to clean it, and because that “someone” isn’t always careful, you’d better buy a WASHDOWN (IP 67) robot unless you want your half-million dollar investment trashed by a guy with a water hose, and THAT adds 30-50% to the upfront cost.

    If you have a chain its a one-time cost, but you WILL have to pay your integrator to engineer the first one. He may deliver something close, but over time you’ll find it needs modifed to work properly and you’ll either need to contract with them or train in-house people to repeogram. Also sensors WILL fail, motors WILL fail, repetitive motion joints WILL mechanically fail even if you keep them lubed (which you ALSO have to do and its more complex than Jiffy Lube can handle AND in a raw material area you’ll probably need food-grade grease), cables fail (Fanuc recommends replacement every 5 years) and a of this needs an inventory of parts and personnel who can use them with sometimes specialized tools to do it correctly.

    Robots have their place, but they aren’t really that well suited for short order cooking where the ROI horizon is long because the work is intermittent and not particularly profitable individually.

    And you’re NOT getting one very soon.

    There’s MUCH more to it, but that will do for now.

    Also, as far as the “labor aspects;

    I USED to wash dishes, by hand, as my first job at 14.

    But I didn’t do that for my entire LIFE.

    …which brings us back to the POINT of a low-paying, entry-level, first job, which is that you don’t STAY there. Its a STEPPING STONE to prove you can be reliable, follow rules, gain experience to make yourself more valuable, get some paid training to move up, or reinvest your earnings in a trade school or (not recommended these days unless STEM) college to get a BETTER job.

    You are not supposed to be on the cook line for a career.

    And if you can’t move up, its not your employers fault or something any government can “fix” for you.

    Look for answers within.

  5. If I was a CA Assemblyman I’d be demanding $50/hr for burger-flippers!
    Fuck em! If you’re gonna pander to morons and get them fired, pander BIG!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage. It was never expected that a worker at a fast food restaurant should be able to support his/herself.

    Raising the minimum wage only serves to push more people into poverty. My daughter has worked at the same company now for nearly ten years. She has been able to get her hourly wage above $16. Before this job, she worked fast food. She was good at it and enjoyed it, but she couldn\’t stand working with the average fast food worker and she would never make much money. Changing jobs nearly doubled her income.

    Now, she walks into a fast food place and sees posters advertising starting wages at $16/hour. When the minimum wage goes up, there is no corresponding increase in wages across the board. Inflation goes up and wages stay put, forcing many more households into poverty and welfare.

    Over the past thirty years, wages and salaries in the middle have remained relatively stagnant. The only significant increases have been at the bottom and the top. The goal of the Left is to eliminate the middle class, leaving only the poor and their enlightened masters. They placate establishment Republicans by leaving the comfortable upper classes relatively unscathed, until they no longer need them.

    Artificial barriers to market forces is what creates economic disparity. There should be no minimum wage. Banks should not be facilitating speculative real estate pricing with creative/predatory lending practices (if buyers cannot afford it, the price is too high). Pell Grants and guaranteed student loans should not be inflating education costs. Government regulation should not be an impediment to market entry (I\’m not a libertarian — more of a minimalist). The list is nearly endless.

  7. I used to make $80,000 a month from home in my spare time but I stopped doing that and moved to California to work at a fast food restaurant. And once the fast food restaurants replaced all of their employees with robots I made even more on California unemployment!

  8. If you want $22 an hour, then find out what jobs currently pay that wage and go get it. Some post high school education might be required, but in the end, it pays off.
    Raising the minimum wage never pays off because if it did, they wouldn’t have to keep raising it.

  9. They call it minimum wage for a reason. It’s for part time workers that have other things going on at the same time (like going to school or using the job as training, etc.) The wage was never meant to sustain your life.

    Either get two jobs or one good one, or two good ones.
    [Or show your ass on TikTok like every other new money trash. LOL]

    BTW, right now in CA, $22 buys you two whopper combos. Cheese is $4 more.

  10. Newsom’s on his way out. He doesn’t care.
    You think his visiting of the red states earlier this Summer was about running for prez? Pfft. I bet that OG (over gelled) bitch is leaving the state so he was looking for property.

  11. From SNS:
    I USED to wash dishes, by hand, as my first job at 14.
    But I didn’t do that for my entire LIFE.

    That is right. It is important to have those stepping stones to give people a path to advancement. Jacking around with the economic realities of supply and demand will only create a false sense of comfort. democRATz are gonna put y’all in chains and keep ya “washing dishes” for the rest of yer life!

    democRATz don’t want constituents. They want obedient pets!

  12. TRF
    SEPTEMBER 3, 2022 AT 12:32 PM

    “It is important to have those stepping stones to give people a path to advancement.”

    …and everything builds on everything else. One of my more enjoyable work memories was right after I made the jump from auto mechanic to industrial electrician. I was making what was top pay as an alignment/brake guy at a Sears, but, c’mon, Sears wasn’t known for competitive wages and I was moving to next-level stuff with commensurate pay.

    So my old boss after a bit is having trouble coming up with skilled labor, and so comes to me to say, “How much for you to come back?”. I knew what Sears was, Corporate already said I was topped out and he couldn’t get NEAR what I was making in straight pay, let alone the all-you-can eat OT buffet I was enjoying at the new place, so it was with EXTREME satisfaction I stopped him and told him, “you can’t afford me.” End of discussion.

    I do not believe any government mandate can possibly feel better than THAT.

  13. What morons don’t understand. The illegal in the video is the bottom rung of the ladder. In a capitalist society she will always command a wage that will barely support her. If you artificially raise her wage to where it does support her it’s temporary. With 12 months she’ll be sleeping in her car again and in the meantime her employer will see a drastic drop in revenue. When ever the government starts destroying the free market bad things happen. Every vendor/supplier that her employer has will be impacted negatively. Very stupid people.
    The alternative is socialism. Which this is approaching. History tells us that’s never worked. We can all share the misery equally. If it ain’t broke, stop trying to fix it.

  14. Well that there is the core of all republican gummermint. Your classic trickle-down economics. In this case & all past republican economics the American worker just gets peed on hence trickled-on.

  15. ^^^^^^

    Wonder how old this poster is? I’m assuming they’re just regurgitating something they heard in Econ101. I lived the Reagan revival. I participated in growing the shit out of my business while recovering from Jimmy Carters mess. TRICKLE DOWN WORKS. Don’t believe your idiot professor. Elon Musk said the other day, Any drug dealer on the streets is a much better business person than the people teaching it in college. He’s right.

  16. I started $1.60 an hour at McDonald’s when I was 18.
    If we’re going to $22 how did that happen?
    By government spending more than it had.
    My conclusion is the government is a really bad manager of money and everything else, they need to be fired.

  17. Toenex – A full robotic McDonalds would have a Giant Ronald McDonald dispensing the food. Burgers and fries would come out the back end while the drinks would come out the front! Now how could you beat that!

  18. “I never worked for a poor man!”

    And contrary to Libtard belief those men with money will spread it around. I always wanted to see my employees well paid. And there were a couple years where we handed out big end of year bonuses to avoid paying taxes on it. I’d rather my employees spend it than the government.

  19. The known blackface paint-wearing Nuisance Newsom hides the fact that when welfare recipients’ income increases, the less benefits they qualify for or get dis-enrolled altogether. Included in the Newsom scheme is that taxes are then lodged by IRS since they’re likely not welfare-worthy anymore plus they must pay their own health insurance since they no longer qualify for (free) MEDICAID.

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