It’s Expected That a Majority of Swedes Have Voted Down Woke Bull$hit – IOTW Report

It’s Expected That a Majority of Swedes Have Voted Down Woke Bull$hit

I am not applauding Sweden. Let’s face it. Many of the morons who have finally voted for the right in Sweden had previously voted for the left, and that makes them assholes. But not as assholish as the jerks that are still voting for the destruction of their country. Also, the right in Sweden is still left by American standards.

It must take a special brand of fart-cupping self-satisfied liberal shitstain to see what is happening to their once placid country with the rape, violence, and decay at the hands of Muslims. Facts don’t lie, only liberals do.


Near final results in Sweden’s election Sunday show that a bloc of right-wing parties was expected to defeat a left-wing bloc headed by Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. The conservative group includes a populist anti-immigration party that made its best ever showing.

However, the result was so close that the election authority said it would not be known before Wednesday when some uncounted votes, including those cast abroad, have been tallied.

According to the early count, Andersson’s ruling left-wing Social Democrats won 30.5% of the vote, more than any other party. However a bloc of four left-wing parties appeared to fall short as a whole of winning a majority of votes in the 349-seat parliament, or Riksdag.

Exit polls had initially predicted a narrow victory for Andersson’s camp but as the evening wore on, and the vote count supplanted the exit poll, the results tipped in favor of the conservatives.

Early Monday, the conservatives appeared to have 176 seats to 173 for the center-left.

In a speech to her supporters, Andersson said that while the results were unclear, it was obvious that the social democratic movement, which is based on ideals of creating an equal society and a strong welfare state, remains strong in Sweden.


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