“‘You believe this s***?’ Biden raged over Obama’s interest in presidential rivals – IOTW Report

“‘You believe this s***?’ Biden raged over Obama’s interest in presidential rivals


reports that former President Barack Obama expressed interest in his rivals for the Democratic nomination, a new book claims.

In “The Long Alliance: The Imperfect Union of Joe Biden and Barack Obama,” New York Magazine’s Gabriel Debenedetti details Biden’s frustration over Obama’s non-committal stance toward backing his campaign, according to the Washington Examiner. 

Obama took particular interest in candidates Julian Castro and Michael Bennet, the outlet noted.

“Biden had started making a show of reading articles about Obama world’s interest in others. ‘You believe this s***?’ he’d ask aloud,” the book reads.

“Obama had whispered to friends that he strongly doubted Biden could create the kind of inspiring connection with Iowans and New Hampshirites that Obama once had,” Debenedetti also wrote. “Obama was particularly certain that Biden and his advisers simply didn’t understand internet-era campaigning.” MORE

7 Comments on “‘You believe this s***?’ Biden raged over Obama’s interest in presidential rivals

  1. Michael Bennet? OMGoodness. Having lived in CO for years when he was first selected for an empty seat, I’ll tell the guy is about the least impressive politician I’ve ever seen.

    The only reason Obama was considering him had to be because they had pics of Bennet banging crippled kids in wheel chairs.

    And him beating Ken Buck, who at that time was a solid(now not so much), was the beginning of the end of my love affair with CO.

  2. Whatever misery those wretches on the other side endure brings gleeful satisfaction to me.

    Biden knows he is not worthy enough to open Obama’s mail. It grinds him to one end that the people (term used very loosely) loved the magic negro but think he is an abject moron. Hillary, for all her bluster and histrionics, will forever be haunted that her husband always had the adulation and respect of the people, while she is despised and reviled. Ditto with Kamala, she is painfully aware of her limitations and “ordinariness”, banking her ethnicity and sex to full advantage while her mentor, Big Dick Willie, was a master at politicking, swaying people with his charm.

    The current crop of dems are weak, pathetic, uninspiring, and lack any originality or vision.

  3. Hey Hillbillyhall2546!

    Maybe it’s not for me to say, but from what I have gathered, most people here have made an honest living their entire lives and aren’t interested in spam communication of any kind. Life is too short.

  4. oblowme et al. are political prostitutes
    not a single one would be able to survive comfortably in the private sector
    take away the teleprompters and they’re all bumbling fumbling fools with no original thoughts of their own


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