Did a Danish ship crewed entirely by women just collide with a US Navy ship during Fleet Week? – IOTW Report

Did a Danish ship crewed entirely by women just collide with a US Navy ship during Fleet Week?

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from CBS:

BALTIMORE — A Danish ship and a U.S. Navy vessel collided in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Sunday morning, according to authorities.

The “Danmark” was being tugged by a smaller boat when it smashed into some wood pilings a few minutes after 11 a.m., officials said.

The tugboat then pulled the Danmark into the U.S. Minneapolis-St. Paul, according to authorities.

U.S. military personnel said in a statement facilitated by the Baltimore Police Department that no one was injured during the collision.

20 Comments on Did a Danish ship crewed entirely by women just collide with a US Navy ship during Fleet Week?

  1. After their singular act of war against the United States and on behalf of their government, the Danish sailors immediately surrendered to the captain of the USS Minneapolis-St. Paul, and in their defeat, the Danish government quickly applied for U.S. foreign aid to buy LNG (gas) from U.S. companies. However, their plea was turned down by the Biden administration on account of all foreign aid funds are currently committed to Ukraine.

    “We try again next year – if we don’t freeze to death first in winter!” said Danish Foreign Minister, Jeppe Kofod. Meanwhile, relations between the crews of both ship’s were reported to be excellent.

  2. Ha ha ha!
    I know someone who lives in Denmark. He said he will never marry a Danish woman. He said they wear the pants and expect men to obey.
    I’m surprised Russia doesn’t invade.

  3. Tony R, it would not surprise me in the least if we were retraining Somali pirates to be tugboat operators, probably through a Congressional appropriation sponsored by Ilhan Omar. Maybe ir’s no coincidence that the Minneapolis-St. Paul got hit.

    Especially since our military is back in Somalia in a big way. Although you’d never know it from our media.

  4. Is it possible that an engine on the tug went out at a bad time? The could send the tug off in a bad direction with little anyone could do about it.

    Or it could be a new tug boat captain who will soon be looking for a new job, but offhand, I would say it is possible that the Danish crew members were innocent bystanders. If the tug pulls the ship off in a wrong direction all the crew could do is watch.


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