Green Energy Slaves – IOTW Report

Green Energy Slaves

h/t Dadof4

14 Comments on Green Energy Slaves

  1. So what’s a little…o.k. a lot…of misery, probable heath complications and likely death to poor third world folk and their children when compared to the warm fuzzy feeling I get when driving my Tesla and pretending I’m saving the earth.

  2. What do you want to bet the rotten fuckers are making the poor bastards use treadle pumps to got the water they need? They pulled that shit in Africa and denied the people they were there ostensibly to improve the lives of give up their Yanmar diesel powered pumps and use treadle pumps or they wouldn’t give them any food. A friend of a friend volunteered to be part of a phony baloney leftist church group and this experience damn near red pilled the stupid son of a bitch. Even a moron like him could recognize the inhumanity of a Goddamn treadle pump.

  3. “Treadle pumps used to be in vogue in British prisons – and were finally outlawed, according to Spiked Magazine, having been deemed too cruel a punishment. Here, they are being touted as suitable labor for a third-world child. All, ironically, so that guilty consciences can be set at ease.”

    I knew if I searched long enough I could find reference to the inhumanity of demanding that others use treadle pumps. The moron who told me about why he would never again volunteer to go on one of these “missions” after what he witnessed is totally happy to continue to vote to have all of us chained to one. The bastard is just hunky dory with what the left is doing so long as he didn’t have to see it and had plausible deniability that he had no hand in promoting it.

    That is exactly what I told him and why he and I no longer talk. He can’t handle the truth.

  4. This is what they call “sustainable.” You can’t argue it because extracting oil to the ESGtards is the worst thing in the world. Heck, just one oil well is equivalent to killing all 22,000 people at this mine. That science is settled, not up for debate.

  5. They work in those conditions and die young (handling cobalt) so that we can feel good about ourselves driving around in an EV. Quinn’s First Law applies here: “Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent. No exceptions.”


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