Biden Tries to Deny Economic Reality – IOTW Report

Biden Tries to Deny Economic Reality

National Review

President Joe Biden celebrated the passage of the “Inflation Reduction Act” by hosting an event at the White House Tuesday, the same day the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report showing inflation had continued to rise in August, causing markets to plummet. More

8 Comments on Biden Tries to Deny Economic Reality

  1. This reminds me of that pig Maduro in Venezuela going on TV and eating a feast while telling his starving public how great things were in Venezuela. This was a party celebrating public misery, and the blatant lies were spewed to humiliate and debase us in the knowledge that we can’t do anything about it because the DoJ, FBI, CIA, democrat secretaries of state, the news media, and packs of election stealing democrat vermin will be stealing all elections for the filthy democrats from now on.

  2. We haven’t seen the market drop yet and they know it which is why none of these criminals gives a damn about what happened the same day as their celebration. Just wait until after midterms, after democrats steal another one.
    BTW, IMHO there is seasonality to this inflation we’ve had. Look what happened last September/October. There’s more demand for products this time of year, with vacation season over and the school season starting up and more people getting back to work. This is far from over. Plus producer prices haven’t cooled a bit yet. How can consumer prices cool if producer prices haven’t?

  3. My gym has 14 TV’ (2 sets of the leftist twins NN and Fox side b side. )

    ALL the “news” show are “gaslighting” us saying ” yearly inflation was down in Aug.”!
    If you get your news from: ABC, W. Post, NYT or Fox – you did not get that the month of Aug showed a big jump 1%; which annualizes to 13%!


    Which 2 “news” nets spent over 5 min an hour on why we need to protect Hunter’s partner “Z”?

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