Lila Rose Educates the Dr. Phil Show About the Facts of Life – IOTW Report

Lila Rose Educates the Dr. Phil Show About the Facts of Life


Pro-life activist Lila Rose faced off against pro-choice audience members during a recent appearance on “Dr. Phil” and, at moments, even sparred with the popular TV host himself.

“You just want to legislate evil,” one audience member told Rose, founder of Live Action, during a conversation about whether a 10-year-old rape survivor should be able to seek an abortion.

Rose has repeatedly said an unborn baby isn’t a guilty party in such rape cases, leading the audience member to unleash on the pro-life advocate. More

Watch Lila Rose teach these people about the meaning of life. Here

9 Comments on Lila Rose Educates the Dr. Phil Show About the Facts of Life

  1. I don’t know why a human fetus is not considered human and not worthy of living by those bloodthirsty women and men in the audience.

    There are always three humans in the drama: the woman, the man, and above all, the human life growing inside the woman. The rabid pro-killer crowd considers themselves the only stakeholder in this business. The woman’s convenience comes first to the baby killers.

    The pro-abortionists have nothing to counter the argument that a fetus in the womb is a human being that deserves to live.

  2. I’ve never understood the pro-abort’s argument in favor of pregnancy due to rape. Rape is a terrible assault but pulling apart a baby in the womb is murder, and murder in the most grotesque manner possible. Can you imagine a death penalty for anyone else where the government-sanctioned method of execution is to pull the arms, legs and head off the convicted person? Or how about putting them in a tank of solution, or snipping their spinal column at the neck? No anesthesisa.

  3. I had never thought much about abortion until I was around 20 years old. I was at a relative’s wedding reception and my aunt, who had been drinking, came over to me and told me this story –
    When my Mother discovered she was pregnant with me she was 41 years old. She panicked because I was completely unexpected and children of mothers that old were often born with Down syndrome. My aunt said she suggested to my Mother she abort me and even offered to take her to Florida, where abortions were currently legal. She said my mother (being a devout Catholic) flatly refused.
    That story changed my life forever. I never respected my aunt after that. I also gained a new respect for my Mother, who loved me enough even before birth to trust God to take care of me. I never mentioned that story to my Mother, God rest her soul.

  4. Oprah’s puppet isn’t really very smart and the audience member seemed like a plant.
    Lila handled herself so well. I think that’s really the part that got the lefties mad.


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