Biden Goes to Detroit Auto Show to Promote EVs, Does Photo Op in Gas Powered Corvette – IOTW Report

Biden Goes to Detroit Auto Show to Promote EVs, Does Photo Op in Gas Powered Corvette


President Joe Biden took a victory lap on Wednesday at the Detroit auto show as he highlighted automakers’ electric-vehicle push, including billions of dollars in investments in battery plants, on the back of new government support.

Self-declared “car guy” Biden climbed into a silver electric Cadillac SUV and an orange Corvette, glad-handed with the industry’s union workers and declared the city, the birthplace of the auto industry, was making a comeback. More

GM does have plans for an EV version of the corvette they’re calling an E-Ray. Here

28 Comments on Biden Goes to Detroit Auto Show to Promote EVs, Does Photo Op in Gas Powered Corvette

  1. He drove Chevy’s because of a lobbyist connection in the White House.
    Of course, all graft all the time.

    I wish the air-bag had gone off and lopped of his fucking ignorant skull!

  2. …I can’t pretend to know what they’re like now, but the Corvettes of the ’90s had the starting battery intalled in such a complicated way that even Sears, who wanted to sell crap batteries to EVERYONE, refused to install Corvette batteries because it took too long and the risk of damaging expensive body panels and other pricey components was too high.

    …if they couldn’t do THAT battery right, IMAGINE what a mess they’ll make with a FULL CAR one…

  3. The fact that this asshole owns a classic Corvette pisses me off to no end. “A self-described car guy”? I call bullshit. This ignorant prick never got grease under his finger nails, and probably couldn’t even open the hood of a car, even if someone read him the instructions.

  4. EVs make about 3% of the sales, with about 3.3 million cars sold per year, that’s about 100,000 EVs sold per year.

    Average profit per car is around $17k.
    There’s $13 Billion in EV investments just this year alone according to the article.

    That means it’ll take 8 years to recoup their investment from just this year, and generate $0.00 in profit.

    The plan of course is to FORCE you into an EV. Otherwise there’s no way a company would put up the money to do this, with the help of government money. Even if you resist buying one, you’re still paying for it via taxes.

    So much for a free market.

    To think there’s 100,000 faggots each year that get suckered into one of these fake and gay cars. And growing. No wonder the push to eliminate biology and make everyone a transgendered fag.

  5. Tony R, yes that “car guy” horseshit frosts me as well.
    That dumbass has never changed oil, rebuilt a carb, replaced a clutch, etc.

    I guarantee he wouldn’t know a crankshaft from the huge black dildo in Dr. Jill’s nightstand…

  6. He’s as much of a “car guy” as the big shot member of the bass club I used to fish with in the early 1980’s who claimed to have taken his boat in and had a 3/4 cam (whatever the hell that is) put in his Mercury two stroke outboard. Both are full of shit and everyone knows it.

  7. By the way, most people who use the phrase 3/4 cam don’t know the first thing about internal combustion engines or cars or in the words of General George S Patton don’t know anything more about cars than they do about fornicating.

  8. ***Caution: Some Fairly Graphic Sex References***

    Biden\’s the eternal 17 y/o a-hole son of the rich local a-hole bigwig, posing in the Corvette his daddy bought him for making varsity quarterback. He\’s forever locked in that dreamtime of Big Man on (Small) Campus, of being given just for existing, of being The Guy all the girls want and all the other guys want to be.

    This is the reason why Tara Reade\’s story about the way he molested her went straight to the absolute-truth core of my brain: he slipped his fingers inside her panties and inside her, saying things like \”I heard you like me.\”

    I can imagine exactly the look on his face when he did that, because it\’s exactly the same cocky, smug, lopsided grin that he\’s wearing when he\’s sitting in a Corvette with his aviators on. When an adult male indicates an interest in sex with a woman (especially when there\’s a huge power imbalance), he\’s way likelier to push her against a wall, press himself against her genital-zone to genital-zone, and grind a little.

    The whole fingering routine seems immature for the circumstances and for their ages… but it fits the rich HS jockstar self-perception to a T (the \’60s version, that is, not that there are that many differences). I\’m sure that Jill\’s played the role of HS girl who adores him, in bed and out, ever since they first started hooking up. She may not be smart, but she\’s self-serving and cunning. Horrifyingly, I\’d bet that she\’s played a lot of roles sexually in that family, and you know exactly what I mean, even though it\’s disgusting to think about.

    Reade\’s story held a small but blindingly bright truth, to me, that DeBlasey-Ford\’s ever-expanding stack of lies never could.

    And I can\’t see Biden in a Corvette with his aviators on and not see how trapped in time he\’s always been.

    \”I hear you like me, baby.\”

  9. @ Lake Monster

    You do know that…Jill’s 1st husband was a big pedojoe donor that got pedojoe his 1st elected office and that pedojoe had wrecked Jill’s Corvette (bought by 1st husband) at their meet up (gas station) spot and then pedojoe refused to pay for the damages…

    and the Tara evidence was saved in time.

  10. Biden is living proof that ANYONE in America can become ‘president’.

    Although, when I was told that many years ago, there were no caveats about stolen elections, New World Orders, government tyrannies or any other illegal actions.

  11. @Ed357

    Ha! No, I didn\’t know about the Big Pedo on Campus wrecking Jill\’s Corvette Knew the husband was a big donor, though.

    What a seething cauldron of drama Biden stirred up back then, from his wife\’s suicide and attempt to take the kids with her (and I get why she thought that would be the kindest thing to do) to being a lunatic perv who showered naked with his daughter all the way up to bringing Dr. Nasty home to stay.

    Imagine the things we don\’t know. On second thought, don\’t – it might cause your brain to scream endlessly.

  12. @Ed357,

    There’s 63 Kg of lithium in a 70 Kwh tesla battery, at $75,000 per tonne (current price is $70,000 per tonne) that’s $4725 of lithium in the battery, up from $410 (at $6500/tonne), so your $22k battery will go for $26k, not the $270k that’s mentioned on that substack. Because obviously cobalt, nickel, copper make most of the weight.

    And the price might not even go up that much because the $22k-$26k price is the INSTALLED price and they have room to knock that back for sake of keeping the fantasy alive.

  13. @ecp

    Thanks…I figured it was an…
    across the board 10x increase…

    I seem to remember reading an article…
    that replacing just the ice cars in America…
    would utilize all the worldwide battery ingredient…
    Have you run across that one….???

    I don’t think worldwide EV is feasible at this time.

  14. What the sly mummified Biden is doing is promoting his own stock in the bogus and pricey EVs which demands batteries far above the cost of the car itself. Can’t be towed either for the plastic undercarriage plus is a danger to women EV drivers who get stuck late at night on some isolated road with Michael Myers lurking in the wood with an axe. Best if Biden and his used-car salesman persona is ignored.

  15. Few in Detroit will be able to buy the wind-up things since more than half of that population is poverty-saturated and food-poor with fews jobs to go around. Buffoon Biden should give the comical things to those illegals he exploits for personal/political gain and sent to Martha’s Vineyarda and elsewhere, including to the impotent Harris-CCP-UglyModel home. pity.

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