Bugs and More … Part Two – IOTW Report

Bugs and More … Part Two

Images from:

1) Dadof4 (Polyphemus Moth)
2) Dadof4 (Grasshopper)
3,4,5,6) ecp (Monarch Butterfly) Monarchs raised from eggs on milkweed (3), to caterpillars (4), to chrysalis (5), finally to butterflies (6). My 15 yr old son did the entire process from finding the eggs and raising the entire cycle. Only 3% of monarch eggs in nature will become butterflies. He did his part to help these beautiful critters population numbers, successfully raising and releasing 11 of them this summer.
7,8,9,10,11) Hambone (Moth) Notice the ant in the upper left corner of #10
12) Tim-FJB (Praying Mantis)

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 10-2, Show Off – You must have critters that like to show off. Show off your critters!
  • 10-9, Mind Your Own Business – Don’t disturb me! Take off, eh!
  • 10-16, Trail/Doorbell cameras – What kind of critters have you captured on Trail Cams and/or Doorbell cameras? Theme idea from Jethro.

Thanks to all our contributors!

12 Comments on Bugs and More … Part Two

  1. Cool pictures! We certainly live in a remarkable and wondrous world!
    @ecp My brother & his family are into saving the monarchs. They have a special place to keep the chrysalis safe.
    When she was younger, my niece was very excited to show me the paterkillers and the flutterbys!
    Your son is amazing!

  2. Heeey! I thought we straightened out it’s not a cecropia?

    (and it’s a moth, not a month. lol)

    It’s a polyphemus moth. Named after the cyclops because of the eye patterns on it.

    scientific name: Antheraea polyphemus


    And that grasshopper was the only one that looked like it that day. I usually see many of any kind of grasshopper. I thought it odd it was the only one around.

    Both pics taken on the same day just down the road from each other in a country setting while servicing a dozen homes in Hickory Creek, TX

    It was a Saturday so maybe he was all snazzied up for a date that night.

    Many many thanks for all you do, Claudia. You make the world a better place!
    OOPS! I wrote the right name down but forgot to change it on the post! And I can’t blame text for changing the spelling of Moth! 🙁 Fixed it now.😁 – Claudia

  3. Hahahah! Well, now my previous post is confusing referring to things that aren’t so anymore.

    I hate auto-incorrect. Especially after catching it and trying to straighten it out the same word several times in a row. ‘NO, I do not mean what you put in there! Please stay as I wrote it!’

    Yes, I chastise my phone and tell my GPS to stop telling me to take the wrong turn long-cuts. Why do you want me to exit and re-enter the same freeway? And why do you want me to go to the alley side of a home so often? I might be uttering NO to the GPS several times on any given day.

    Well done Claudia! You’re the best! .

  4. I like bugs – as long as they don’t bite, sting or eat my house, and as long as they stay where they belong – which is outside my house!

    Nice submissions everyone. Have a nice day all.

  5. I ain’t gonna eat bugs; but I will eat chickens. They eat bugs, so we don’t have to.
    Eat pork. Pigs eat garbage so we don’t have to.
    Eat beef. Steers eat grass so we don’t have to.

  6. Trivia regarding my polyphemus moth photo… It is resting on work I did for that customer that had rotten siding.

    Paint and siding by me, but more difficult than it looks. ALL matched perfectly, BTW. (thank you Lowe’s paint department) Strange because that spot is very small compared to the whole cabin. Like 1000 to 1, location-wise odds. Everything you see was my handiwork, regarding the surface it’s resting on..


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