The Nation Knows There’s a Two-Tier Justice System – IOTW Report

The Nation Knows There’s a Two-Tier Justice System


The latest online [Golden/TIPP Poll] survey of 1,277 voters found a significant increase from 63% to 71% of those saying they agreed that we now have a “two-tiered system of justice,” with 32% agreeing “strongly” and 39% agreeing “somewhat.” More

11 Comments on The Nation Knows There’s a Two-Tier Justice System

  1. Wimp poll. They were right there and didn’t even look.

    They asked about a “two-tiered system of justice in America depending on your political affiliation and ideology” only. Yup, that’s one.

    But they failed to ask about a second dimension tier: membership in the elite club of high level politicians (regardless of party), “news” media, and woke corporate suits vs. us non-member common people.

    They failed yet again in not asking about the third dimension tier of wealth. Rich people and poor/average people sure as hell do not occupy the same tier, and that’s a fact.

  2. Unfortunately has been so for decades.

    About 50 years ago there was a very, very rich girl at Cal who said, “Courts are not fair, rich can get away with murder. AND I WILL PROVE IT!!

    Most of us said then ” Just another Cal lefty.”. 2 years later she killed 2 men! A bad (IMHO) exJarhead – F. Lee Baily – got her off. Hearst family spent $millions to get the “best” lawyer. And she got away with murder.

    For those in the East killer’s name is Patty Hearst. And she is free; has been for decades.

    OJ was not the first, nor the last, rich man/girl to get away with murder!

  3. If you complain about the two tier justice system too much, the ruling caste lets black criminals do whatever they want as a punishment to the rest of us, since they’re the most absurdly depraved and open criminals around.


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