Colbert And Fauci Take the Booster Together – IOTW Report

Colbert And Fauci Take the Booster Together


This is pure political propaganda meant to do two things…

The first is to shame those of us who have not gotten our hundredth booster, or whatever the number is now. And I say this as someone who has been vaccinated and boosted. How many more of these things are we supposed to get? And why should we believe a disgraced liar like Anthony Fauci about anything?

Colbert’s second goal is to make the vaxx-fanatics feel all righteous and morally pure about themselves. But, most of all, it is meant to make the hopelessly smug Colbert feel good about himself. I’m so virtuous and pure. Please don’t hold the fact I’m a straight, white, middle-aged male against me, Woketards! More

21 Comments on Colbert And Fauci Take the Booster Together

  1. I had a friend tell me awhile back that he was in a grocery store of all places where they were giving covid jabs. He said he saw two people, an older man and woman get injected and on neither did they wipe their arm with alcohol.
    He said he went on about his shopping then later went back to where they were giving them after the couple had left and nobody was waiting to get one, the two women giving the injections were sitting in chairs so he asked them if they could answer a question for him, pretended to be considering getting the jabs, but was concerned that he witnessed those two folks getting them and their arms weren’t wiped. That he’d never had any kind of vaccination or any kind of injection for that matter when they didn’t wipe with alcohol. They told him that these vaccines are just different and that they were following the instructions and the instructions say to not sterilize injection site.

    I’ve found that odd since he told me about it.

  2. @ Old Racist White Woman: hey told him that these vaccines are just different and that they were following the instructions and the instructions say to not sterilize injection site.


    Another reason not to trust anyone. They can’t even tell a good lie. Makes me even proud of myself for not succumbing to their evil jabs.

  3. It’s silly season on my Facebook newsfeed as locals to the PNW proudly proclaim they got their flu shots. Well, yay for you. I got my teeth cleaned today!

    They all feel like sh*t for two days+ afterwards. “Kind of different from other flu shots I’ve had. I guess it means it’s working!”

    Yeah. That’s what it means. ☠️

  4. When dishonest, arrogant liberals brag about the number of shots and boosters they’ve taken I kinda think there is hope for America. They have no idea they committed suicide.


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