Five IRS Employees Arrested for Stealing Covid Relief Funds – IOTW Report

Five IRS Employees Arrested for Stealing Covid Relief Funds

Gateway Pundit

Five current or former IRS employees in Tennessee and Mississippi fraudulently received thousands of dollars in COVID relief funds to finance lavish lifestyles, according to the Department of Justice.

The five suspects allegedly submitted bogus loan applications to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program in an effort to gain over $1 million in funding. More

11 Comments on Five IRS Employees Arrested for Stealing Covid Relief Funds

  1. ALL government spending programs are designed for fraud, waste and abuse. There are no auditors and not enough time in the world to audit anything. The real places to look aren’t the onsies twosies bottom feeders like these hacks, but within the executive ranks of the departments tasked with sending out the money. They still haven’t found the $6,000,000.00 (or was it $6,000,000,000.00?) the State Department “lost” under that thieving hag, Clinton.

  2. …and remember DHS, I think it was. The gov’t auditors concluded that their books weren’t even audit-able! And I don’t remember anyone going to jail, let alone losing their gov’t career over it.

    Yes, this was an inside IRS job, but it had to go way higher up within the IRS.

  3. Ah, to be an IRS agent. Livin’ large off of other people’s money. Sounds a bit like the scene in Goodfellas, after the Lufthansa heist. Only difference is those guys & most of their wives got dead. The IRS will just continue their theft & not be dead.

  4. And yet they spent who knows how much to get 20 dollars out of Chip, who made some tiny math error 10 years ago. Just auditing and mailing the nastygram was well in excess of 20 dollars.

    We finally got a good EIC at ABC who could think. We used to repair CRTs because it was cost effective. We kept doing it even when it didn’t make sense. Finally Murdoch went into a towering rage.

    “How much does this cost to replace new?”

    “80 dollars, and the time, probably a half hour.”

    “So, at 45 dollars an hour, you work on this how many hours to repair it?”

    “4 hours, plus an hour to remove it and replace it.”

    “That’s 225 dollars!”



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