12.5% Increase in Food Stamp Subsidies – IOTW Report

12.5% Increase in Food Stamp Subsidies


Food stamp benefits are increasing by 12.5 percent as families grapple with grocery prices that have skyrocketed under President Joe Biden.

Under the maximum benefit, a family of four on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will see their payments increase from $835 to $939 per month.

22 Comments on 12.5% Increase in Food Stamp Subsidies

  1. Off topic but I’ve been watching the Trump rally on RSBN through YouTube on my TV. As it gets about time for Trump to speak I lost my feed. Have to watch it now on Rumble through my phone. Anybody else have this issue?
    Fucking Do More Evil Google!

  2. All this suffering is self inflicted because of Biden* administration energy and economic policies, not to mention the total lack of leadership. Things are going to get interesting this winter. As in “May you live in interesting times.” Stock up on toilet paper.

  3. JDHASTY> Because the price of soda, snacks, preprocessed high fat, high cholesterol, microwaveable carb heavy instant garbage meals has skyrocketed. The majority of low-income folks apparently also can’t cook beyond mac&cheese. Delivery pizza has doubled in cost.

  4. I think my total outlay is about $300/mo, but we eat deer and elk and don’t buy much meat. That is for me and three kids. A grand a month for food just doesn’t compute. But I bet that the kids’ mom burns through at least half again more on a quiet month when they are with her.

  5. Gee, seniors on SS only get an 8% bump, but people who paid nothing get more.
    Good thing I have some self-respect in terms of carrying my own fucking weight, and not being a parasite.

  6. And that’s just SNAP.
    Don’t forget all the other “freebies” that’re thrown at the “po” folks.

    Why work when you can get the equivalent of $60,000/yr sitting on yer ass watchin Orca, drinking Muscatel, and smokin weed?
    Work seems a little silly.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I’d be happy not having my social security taxed.

    I know I am greedy! Why should I, who worked for 40 years, make as much as those who never worked and live off of government assistance TAX FREE.

    Weaponized IRS, don’t misunderstand me, I’m happy to provide for those slackers that choose not to provide for themselves.
    Please don’t audit me with an AR-15 slung over your shoulder.

  8. I make $1269 an hour, (while I’m sleeping,) employing my Elon Musk ™ SpamRoBots to ruin web browsing for other people. Learn to spam for fun and fortune at ObamaPsuquesDick.smeg.


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